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[PRES20학회] 연구실 논문 5편 발표 (공정통합/오염저감/에너지 모델링 최적화)
  • 관리자
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  • 496
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  • 2020-06-15

Process integration and energy conversion관련 국제학회인 PRES20학회에  EMSEL 연구실 5편 제출했고 발표 예정입니다. 

23rdPRES'20:  Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction,


-SungKu Heo et al., Integration assessment of renewable energy scenarios for utility supply networks in petrochemical industrial complex: A case study of South Korea

-JunKu Park et al., Process integration of air separation process and modified sulfur iodine cycle

-JuinYau Lim et al., Circular economy assessment towards optimal process configuration of microalgae-based bio-refinery system with consideration of risk analysis and redundancy allocation: P-graph approach

-Pouya Ifaei et al., A Sustainable Multi-Generation Network to Adapt Climate Change without Hazardous Emissions and Water Losses Using a Bi-layer Mathematical Model

-Usman et al., Simultaneous design and allocation of pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) network for plant-wide optimal energy and waste recovery in industrial network

이전글 [Usman학생:DWT 논문출판]전기/냉방/용수 생산 tri-generation 통합시스템
다음글 [축:남기전학생-Water AI,Editor's choice선정] 하수처리장 AI 자율제어