Research Associate, Imperial College London, United Kingdom or 0312012124Name: 허성구 박사
-학사 : 경희대학교 환경학및환경공학과, 2012.03 ~ 2018.02 (학부 12학번)
-박사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 석박사통합과정, 2024.02 (경희대학교 대학원 공학계열 최우수 박사학위논문상 수상)
- 방문 연구:미국, 서던 캘리포니아 대학교 (6개월, 2023.06 ~ 2023.11)
- 영국 임페리얼 공대/Research Associate (2024. 7.22 ~ 2025.02)
-강원대학교 환경공학과, 조교수 (In-coming Assistant Professor)
- 2025.3(예정)~
Research Area:
Environmental Informatics, AI-Autonomous operation system, Artificial Intelligence for Environment System, Advanced control, Big Data Analytics, Smart O&M, Energy Informatics, Deep reinforcement learning-based monitoring, control and optimization, SBR, QSAR
Award: (총 11건)
- 환경부장관상 (최우수구두발표상), "A global assessment of public perceptions in social media to evaluate the relationship between climate changes and natural events using big data-based machine learning techniques", 2019년 기후변화학회 상반기 학술대회, 2019년 6월.
Selected Publications (First author) :
1. Data-Driven Hybrid Model for Forecasting Wastewater Influent Loads Based on Multimodal and Ensemble Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2020.11), IF=9.112/ JCR Top 3% (ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL))
2. A proactive energy-efficient optimal ventilation system using deep learning and AI-iterative dynamic programming under outdoor air quality conditions, Applied Energy (ISSN: 0306-2619), Elsevier,266, pp.114893 (2020.3), IF=8.848/ JCR Top 3%)
3. A deep reinforcement learning-based autonomous ventilation control system for smart indoor air quality management in a subway station, Energy and BBuildins, Elsevier, 202(10), 109440 (2019.11), IF=4.867/ JCR Top 3% (ENGINEERING, CIVIL))
4. A hybrid machine learning–based multi-objective supervisoary control strategy of a full-scale wastewater treatment for cost-effective and sustainable operation under varying influent conditions, J. Cleaner Production (ISSN:0959-6526), Elsevier, Accepted (2020.01), IF=7.246/ JCR Top 7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES))
5. Deep learning driven QSAR model for environmental toxicology: effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health, Environmental Pollution (ISSN: 0269-7491), Elsevier, 253(10), pp.29-38 (2019.10), IF=6.793/ JCR Top 8% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES))
6. An autonomous operational trajectory searching system for an economic and environmental membrane bioreactor plant using deep reinforcement learning, Water Science and Technology (ISSN:0273-1223), International Water Association, 81(8), pp. 1578-1587 (2020.04), (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
7. Optimal utility supply network under demand uncertainty for operational risk assessment on a petrochemical industrial park, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 0256-1115), (2020.07)
8. Development of deterministic-stochastic model to integrate variable renewable energy-driven electricity and large-scale utility networks: Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry, Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442, SCI, Top 5% journal – THERMODYNAMICS), Elsevier, 238(1), pp.122006 (2022.1) (2022.1)
9. Digitallytransformed early-warning protocol for membrane cleaning based on a fouling-cumulative sum chart: Application to a full-scale MBR plant, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, IF=8.7, JCR Top 3.4%), 643(3), pp.120080(2022.3)
1. 산업단지 VOC 저감 최적가용기법 (BAT) 선정을 위한 다매체 거동모델 기반 인체위해성·환경성·경제성 평가, Korean Chemical Engineering Research (HWAHAK KONGHAK, ISSN: 0304-128X), Scorpus, 58(3), pp.325-345 (2020.3) (2020.5)
2. 기후 변화 적응을 위한 벡터매개질병의 생태 모델 및 심층 인공 신경망 기반 공간-시간적 발병 모델링 및 예측, Korean Chemical Engineering Research (HWAHAK KONGHAK, ISSN: 0304-128X), Scorpus, 58(2), pp.197-208 (2020.4)
3. 첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(I): e-ASM 모델 개발과 Digital Simulation 구현, Clean Technology(청정기술) (2022.1)
4. 첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(II): e-ASM 모델 보정, 수질 예측, 공정 선택과 설계, Clean Technology(청정기술) (2022.1)
Patents :
1. 발명인명: 유창규, 허성구, 호르헤 로이 베니테즈, 출원/등록인명: 경희대학교 산학협력단, 인공지능을 이용하여 손실 데이터를 보정함에 따라 환기 장치를 제어하는 환기 제어 장치 및 방법, 출 원 번 호: 10-2020-0162066 (YOO, ChangKyoo, HEO, SungKu, Patent No. 10-2020-0162066), 출 원 일 자: 2020.11.27
2. 발명인명: 유창규, 허성구, 출원/등록인명: 경희대학교 산학협력단, 지하역사 내 환기 시스템 및 그 제어 방법, 출 원 번 호: 10-2019-0076226 (YOO, ChangKyoo, Heo, Seong Gu, Patent No. 10-2019-0076226), 출 원 일 자: 2019.06.26
조교수, 부경대학교 환경공학과 남기전 교수
email: /
경력 및 학력
-학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2013.02
-석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2018.02
-박사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2022.02
Current Position:
-부경대학교 환경공학과, 조교수
2024.3 ~ 현재
Former Position:
- (주)삼성전자 반도체(DS부문) 혁신센터, MES팀, Smart Factory 그룹, CL3
- 2022.3.1 ~2024.1.31
| |
Research Area: |
-환경시스템공학, 생물막 공정, 환경시스템공학, MBR, Fouling Diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning/Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning, Fault detection and diagnosis, QSAR/Risk assessment, Dynamic programming, Iterative PID control, Advanced control, Smart Data Analytics, Smart O&M, Energy, Offline RL based tuning, AI-autonomous manufacturing system for Environment(Control, calibration, monitoring, tuning, optimization)-Reinforcement Learning
- 회명대학원연구상, 2018년도 한국화학공학회 춘계학술대회, 남기전, "딥러닝-강화학습기반 막분리공정(MBR) 자율최적 운전시스템 연구", 한국화학공학회, 2018년 10월 26일
- 학술 대회 논문상, 2019년도 대한환경공학회 국내 학술대회, 남기전, "에너지 효율과 수질의 개선을 위한 인공지능/강화학습을 이용한 MBR 자율 최적운전 시스템 구축을 위한 원천 기술 개발", 대한환경공학회, 2020년 11월
- Editor's Choice Selection-Cover paper, An autonomous operational trajectory searching system for an economic and environmental membrane bioreactor plant using deep reinforcement learning, Water Science and Technology (ISSN:0273-1223, SCIE), International Water Association(IWA) (2020.08)
- Editor's Choice Selection-Cover paper, Dual-objective optimization for energy-saving and fouling mitigation in MBR plants using influent prediction and an integrated biological-physical model, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: 0376-7388, JCR Top 3.4%) (2021.2)
- 우수연구학술상, 경희대학교 4단계 BK21 교육연구단, Inter-regional multimedia fate analysis of PAHs and potential risk assessment by integrating deep learning and climate change scenarios, Journal of Hazardous Materials (ISSN:0304-3894, SCIE, TOP 3%), 2021년 2월
- 영국 Imperial College London, CCS plant control and design (UK), 2018년 8월 28일~2018년 9월 14일(EDRC/산자부 인턴쉽 전액 장학)
Selected Publications:
1. KiJeon Nam†, SungKu Heo†, GaHee Rhee, MinJeong Kim, and Chang Kyoo Yoo*, Dual-objective optimization for energy-saving and fouling mitigation in MBR plants using influent prediction and an integrated biological-physical model, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, JCR Top 3.4%), 625(5), pp.119208 (2021.2) (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
2. KiJeon Nam† , SungKu Heo† , Jorge Loy-Benitez, Pouya Ifaei, and ChangKyoo Yoo* , An autonomous operational trajectory searching system for an economic and environmental membrane bioreactor plant using deep reinforcement learning, Water Science and Technology(ISSN:0273-1223, SCIE), 81(8), pp. 1578-1587, International Water Association(IWA) (2020.08) (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
3. KiJeon Nam† , Soonho Hwanbo† , and ChangKyoo Yoo* , A deep learning-based forecasting model for renewable energy scenarios to guide sustainable energy policy: A case study of Korea, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN: 1364-0321, SCI, IF=10.5, Top 1 journal-green&sustainable science & technology), 122(4), 109725(pp.1-18), (2020.04)
4. KiJeon Nam† , Qian Li† , SungKu Heo, Shahzeb Tariq, Jorge Loy-Benitez, TaeYong Woo, and ChangKyoo Yoo* , Inter-regional multimedia fate analysis of PAHs and potential risk assessment by integrating deep learning and climate change scenarios, Journal of Hazardous Materials (ISSN:0304-3894, SCIE, TOP 3% journal: Environmental Science), Elsevier, 411(6), pp.125149 (2021.06)
5. KiJeon Nam† , Qian Li† , SungKu Heo, Shahzeb Tariq, Jorge Loy-Benitez, TaeYong Woo, and ChangKyoo Yoo* , Inter-regional multimedia fate analysis of PAHs and potential risk assessment by integrating deep learning and climate change scenarios, Journal of Hazardous Materials (ISSN:0304-3894, SCIE, TOP 3% journal: Environmental Science) Elsevier, 411(6), pp.125149 (2021.06)
6. SungKu Heo+, KiJeon Nam† , Shahzeb Tariq, Juin Yau Lim, Junkyu Park, and Chang Kyoo Yoo* , A hybrid machine learning–based multi-objective supervisory control strategy of a fullscale wastewater treatment for cost-effective and sustainable operation under varying influent conditions, Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN:0959-6526, SCIE, Top 10% journal:Engineering Civil), Elsevier, 291(4), pp.125853
7. SungKu Heo†, KiJeon Nam†, TaeYong Woo and Chang Kyoo Yoo*, Digitallytransformed early-warning protocol for membrane cleaning based on a fouling-cumulative sum chart: Application to a full-scale MBR plant, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, IF=8.7, JCR Top 3.4%), 643(3), pp.120080 (2022.3)
8. SungKu Heo+ , KiJeon Nam+ , Jorge Loy-Benitez, Qian Li, SeungChul Lee, ChangKyoo Yoo * , A deep reinforcement learning-based autonomous ventilation control system for smart indoor air quality management in a subway station, Energy and Buildings (ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 3% journal- Engineering, Civil, DOI), Elsevier, 202(10), 109440(pp.1-16) (DOI: (2019.10) (
9. KiJeon Nam, MinJeong Kim, SeungChul Lee, Soonho Hwangbo and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Interpretation and diagnosis of fouling progress in membrane bioreactor plants using a periodic pattern recognition method, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN:0256- 1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp.- (2017.7)
10. Usman Safder+, KiJeon Nam+, Dongwoo Kim, SungKu Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, A real time QSAR-driven toxicity evaluation and monitoring of iron containing fine particulate matters in indoor subway stations, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SCI, ISSN: 0147-6513, SCI, Top20%:TOP20% TOXICOLOGY), Elsevier, 169(), pp. 361-369 (2019.3)
조교수, 경상대학교
Current Position: 조교수, 경상대학교, 진주시
2005.3-2009.8: BSc, Dept. of chemical engineering, POSTECH
2010.3-2017.2: MSc-Ph.D, Dept. of chemical engineering, POSTECH
2017.5-2018.09 : Postdoc, Dept. of environmental engineering, KyungHee University
2018.10-2020.08: Postdoctoral Associate, Denmark Technical University(DTU)
2020.9-till date : Assistant Professor, GyeongSang National University(GNU)
Research Area: Optimization, Hydrogen supply network design, utility network design, 수소에너지시스템 설계, 인공지능, 에너지시스템공학, Water-Energyy-Carbon NEXUS 시스템 설계
Selected Publications:
? Soonho Hwangbo, Jeehoon Han, and In-Beum Lee* (2014). Development of a Deterministic Optimization Model for Design of an Integrated Utility and Hydrogen Supply Network, Korean Chemical Engineering Research. 2014;52;603-612.
? Soonho Hwangbo, In-Beum Lee, and Jeehoon Han* (2016). Multi-period stochastic mathematical model for the optimal design of integrated utility and hydrogen supply network under uncertainty in raw material prices, Energy. 2016;114;418-430. (TOP 6% journal, IF=4.2)
? Soonho Hwangbo, In-Beum Lee, and Jeehoon Han* (2017). Mathematical model to optimize design of integrated utility supply network and future global hydrogen supply network under demand uncertainty, Applied Energy. 2017;195;257-267. (TOP 3% journal, IF=7.1)
? Soonho Hwangbo, Seungchul Lee, and ChangKyoo Yoo* (2017). Optimal network design of hydrogen production by integrated utility and biogas supply networks, Applied Energy. 2017;208;195-209. (TOP 3% journal, IF=7.1)
? Soonho Hwangbo, SungKu Heo, and ChangKyoo Yoo* (2018). Network modeling of future hydrogen production by combining conventional steam methane reforming and a cascade of waste biogas treatment processes under uncertain demand conditions, Energy Conversion and Management. 2018;165; 316-333. (TOP 3% journal, IF=5)
? Soonho Hwangbo, KiJeon Nam, Jihoon Han, In-Beum Lee, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Integrated Hydrogen Supply Networks for Waste Biogas Upgrading and Hybrid Carbon-Hydrogen Pinch Analysis under Hydrogen Demand Uncertainty, Applied Thermal Engineering (ISSN:1359-4311, SCIE , Top 6% journal- MECHANICS/ENGINEERING,MECHANICAL), Elsevier, 140(), pp. 386-397 (2018.7)
? Viet Hoang Tuan+, Pouya Ifaei+, Kijeon Nam, Jouan Rashidi, Soonho Hwangbo*, Jong-Min Oh, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Optimal management of a hybrid renewable energy system coupled with MBR using power pinch economic analyses for sustainable climate change adaption, Sustainability (SSCI/SCIE) MDPI, 11 (1), 66, pp. 1-22 (2018.12)
? Soonho Hwangbo, KiJeon Nam, SungKu Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Hydrogen-based self-sustaining integrated renewable electricity network (HySIREN) using a supply-demand forecasting model and deep-learning algorithms, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN, SCIE, JCR Top 3% journal, Rank 2 journal,THERMODYNAMICS), 185 (4), pp. 353 -367 (2019. 4)
? Soonho Hwangbo, Gahee Rhee, Pouya Ifaei, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Techno-economic feasibility study of a self-sustainable wind-to-hydrogen system using a hybrid hydrogen production process for a carbon free island, Applied Energy (TOP 3% journal, IF=7.9) (submitted)
선임연구원 (부연구위원), 철도기술연구원 인공지능팀
경력 및 학력 -학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2010.02 -석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2012.02 -박사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2016.08 (2016년 경희대학교 대학원 공과계열 우수박사학위논문상 수상) -박사후연구원 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2016.09 ~ 2017.02.21
-연구논문(학위논문): An Intergrated Monitoring, Modeling and Optimization Approach for Environmental Pollutant Treatment Systems Using a Data-analytics Based Smart Management System
-연구관심사: 환경모델링 및 시스템 최적화, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) 모델링, 제어, 최적화의 통합시스템, 지하역사 실내공기질모니터링 및 제어, 기후변화대비 온실가스배출모델링, 센서이상진단 및 복원, GPS-X모델링, Data Analytics, Big data, Machine learning/Deep learning
Current Position - 선임연구원 (부연구위원), 철도기술연구원 인공지능팀 - 2017.02.22 ~ 현재 -이메일 : or - 업무 : 철도환경연구, 철도통합관리, 실내공기질 제어 및 모니터링, 인체위해성/에너지 최적화통합기술, 환경정보학, Data analytics, 환경빅데이타 해석, 공정시스템 - 모니터링/제어/모델링/최적화, 처리장 설계 및 에너지재이용(CDM), Data Analytics, Big data, Machine learning/Deep learning | |
Selected Publications:
1. MinJung Kim, YongSu Kim, Abtin Ataei, Jeong Tai Kim, JungJin Lim and Chang Kyoo Yoo, Statistical Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality Changes after Installation of the PSD System in Seoul’s Metro, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), 20(1), pp. 187-197 (2011.02.01)
2. Kim M.J., B. Sankararao and Yoo C.K., Determination of MBR Fouling and Chemical Cleaning Interval using Statistical Methods Applied on Dynamic Index Data, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: 0376-7388, SCI, Top 5 journal in Env. Eng.-JCR index), 375(1-2), pp.345-353 (2011.06.15)
3. MinJeong Kim, GaYoung Yoo and ChangKyoo Yoo, Application of the new combined model of fouling in membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering (APJChE) (ISSN:1932-2143, SCIE), 6(3), pp.423-432 (2011.06)
4. M.J. Kim, O.Y. Kang, B.S. Rao, J.R. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.H. Kim, C.K. Yoo, Proposing a new fouling index in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) based on mechanistic fouling model, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), 33(1-3), pp. 209-217 (2011.9)
5. MinJeong Kim, SankaraRao B, OnYu Kang, JeongTai Kim and ChangKyoo Yoo, Monitoring and prediction of indoor air quality (IAQ) in subway or metro systems using season dependent models, Energy and Buildings(ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 10% journal-Construction & Building Technology as well as Engineering, Civil), Elsevier, 46, pp. 48-55 (2012.03)
6. JungJin Lim, MinHan Kim, MinJung Kim, TaeSuk Oh, OnYu Kang, Booki Min, A. Seshagiri Rao and ChangKyoo Yoo, A Systematic Model Calibration Methodology Based on Multiple Errors Minimization Method for the Optimal Parameter Estimation of ASM1, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 29(3), pp.291-303 (2012.03)
7. TaeSeok Oh, MinJeong Kim, JungJin Lim, OnYu Kang, K. Vidya Shetty, B. SankaraRao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Jae Hyung Park, and Jeong Tai Kim, A real-time monitoring and assessment method for calculation of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted in subway stations, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (ISSN: 1096-2247, 1047-3289, SCI), Taylor & Francis, 62(5), pp.517?526 (2012.04.27)
8. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, ChangKyoo Yoo, Parametric analysis and optimization of combined gas turbine and reverse osmosis system using refrigeration cycle, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Taylor & Francis, 43(1-3), pp.149-158 (2012.4)
9. TaeSuk Oh, Hongbin Liu, MingJung Kim, SeungChul Lee, Min-Kyeong Yeo, ChangKyoo Yoo, External Analysis-based Fuzzy PLS Model for Prediction and Monitoring in MBR, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Taylor & Francis, 43(1-3), pp.185-192 (2012.4)
10. JungJin Lim, YongSu Kim, TaeSuk Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, Jeong Tai Kim, In-Won Kim, Jo-Chun Kim, Jae-Sik Jeon and ChangKyooYoo, Analysis and Prediction of Indoor Air Pollutants in a Subway Station Using a New Key Variable Selection Method, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(8), pp.994-1003 (2012.08)
11. JungJin Lim, Boddupalli Sankarrao, TaeSeok Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, JeongTai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Estimation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions (GHG) from Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Closed-loop Mass Balance and Data Reconciliation, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(9), pp.1123-1128 (2012.09)
12. OnYu Kang, SeungChul Lee, Kailas Wasewar, MinJeong Kim, Hongbin Liu, TaeSeok Oh, Emad Janghorban and ChangKyoo Yoo, Determination of key sensor locations for non-point pollutant sources management in sewer network, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp. (2012.07) (in press)
Award( 수상내역)
-김민정, ”생물학적 막분리 공정에서의 막오염(fouling)과 막 세척주기 예측을 위한 통합모델링 및 관리제어시스템 개발", 한국화학공학회 2012년 춘계학술대회, 2012년도 화학공학회 대학원연구상 (수상일시 : 2012년 4월 26일)
선임연구원, 삼성엔지니어링 환경기술센터 or
경력 및 학력 -학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2012.2 -석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2014.02 -박사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2018.02, 학위논문 : "빅 데이타와 AI-시스템최적화를 이용한 Smart O&M 및 통합관리시스템 개발" (2017년 경희대학교 대학원 자연과학 계열 최우수 박사학위논문상 수상)
-이메일 : or
-연구관심사: 환경모델링 및 시스템 최적화, 하수처리장 모델링 및 제어, 최적화의 통합시스템, 지하역사 실내공기질모니터링 및 제어, 기후변화대비 온실가스배출모델링, GPS-X모델, Data Analytics, Big data, Machine learning/Deep learning, LCD panel이상분류-CNN,RNN,DBN
- 업무 : 환경시스템공학/환경설계, 환경정보학, Fault detection and diagnosis/Data analytics/Advanced control, Smart Plant O&M (DL/RL/AI) - 에너지 최적화기술, 환경정보학, Data analytics, 환경빅데이타 해석, 공정시스템 - 모니터링/제어/모델링/최적화, 처리장 설계 및 에너지재이용(CDM), Data Analytics, Big data, Machine learning/Deep learning, CNN,RNN,DBN |
Selected Publications (SCI/SCIE)
1. TaeSuk Oh, Hongbin Liu, MingJung Kim, SeungChul Lee, Min-Kyeong Yeo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, External Analysis-based Fuzzy PLS Model for Prediction and Monitoring in MBR, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Taylor & Francis, 43(1-3), pp.185-192 (2012.4)
2. OnYu Kang, SeungChul Lee, Kailas Wasewar, MinJeong Kim, Hongbin Liu, TaeSeok Oh, Emad Janghorban and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Determination of key sensor locations for non-point pollutant sources management in sewer network, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 30(1), pp.20-26 (2013.01)
3. Hongbin Liu, OnYu Kang, TaeSeok Oh, MinJeong Kim, SeungChul Lee, Jeong Tai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Sustainable monitoring of indoor air pollutants in an underground subway environment using self-validating soft sensor, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), SAGE journal, 22(1), pp.94-109 (2013.02)
4. Hongbin Liu, SeungChul Lee, MinJeong Kim, Honglan Shi, , Jeong Tai Kim, Kailas L. Wasewar, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Multi-objective optimization of indoor air quality control and energy consumption minimization in a subway ventilation system, Energy and Building (ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 10% journal - CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY), Elsevier, 66C, pp. 553-561 (2013.11)
5. MinJeong Kim, SankaraRao B, SeungChul Lee and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Prediction and Identification of Membrane Fouling Mechanism in a Membrane Bioreactor Using Combined-Mechanistic Model, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ISSN:0888-5885, SCI), American Chemical Society(ACS), 52(48), pp 17198?17205 (2013. 11.19)
6. SeungChul Lee, Hongbin Liu, MinJeong Kim, Jeong Tai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Online Monitoring and Interpretation of Periodic Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Indoor Air Pollutants in a Subway Station using Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC), Energy and Building (ISSN: 0378-7788, SCI, Top 10% journal - Construction & Building Technology), Elsevier, 68(1), pp. 87-98 (2014.1)
7. Hongbin Liu, SeungChul Lee, MinJeong Kim, Honglan Shi, Jeong Tai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Finding the optimal set points of a thermal and ventilation control system under changing outdoor weather conditions, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), SAGE journal, 23(1), pp.118-132 (2014.02)
8. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, SeungChul Lee, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Evaluation and optimization of a multi-effect evaporation- absorption heat pump desalination based conventional and advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analyses, Desalination(ISSN: 0011-9164, SCI, Top 5% journal - Water Resources), Elsevier, 359, pp.92-107 (2015.3)
9. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, SeungChul Lee, ChangKyooYoo*, Extended-Power Pinch Analysis (EPoPA) for Integration of Renewable Energy Systems with Battery/Hydrogen Storages, Renewable Energy(ISSN: 0960-1481, SCIE, Top 20% journal:), Elsevier, 80(), pp.1-14 (2015.08) (Ack: NRF grant- MSIP- 2015R1A2A2A11001120)
10. SeungChul Lee, Min Jeong Kim, Se Hee Pyo, Jeong Tai Kim, Chang Kyoo Yoo*, Evaluation of an Optimal Ventilation IAQ Control Strategy Using Control Performance Assessment and Energy Demand, Energy and Building (ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 2% journal- Engineering, Civil),), Elsevier, 98(1), pp.134-143 (2015.07)
11. SeungChul Lee, Min Jeong Kim, Jeong Tai Kim, Chang Kyoo Yoo*, In Search for Modeling Predictive Control of Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Energy Demand in Subway Station, Energy and Building (ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 2% journal- Engineering, Civil),), Elsevier, 98(1), pp. 56?65 (2015.07)
12. Honglan Shi, MinJeong Kim, SeungChul Lee, SeHee Pyo, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Localized indoor air quality monitoring for indoor pollutants’ healthy risk assessment using sub-principal component analysis driven model and engineering big data, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer,
Argonne National Lab./LCA Group
juinyau95@gmailName: Dr. 임준요 박사
Research Interest : Renewable energy development and planning, LCA, Optimization AI, Wastewater treatment, Reaction Mechanism
Selected Publications:
CL3, 삼성전자 DS/Foundry, PA직무 박준규 박사
Email: or
Current Position:
- (주)삼성전자 반도체(DS부문), Foundry, PA팀, CL3
- 2022.9.1 ~ 현재
Position: Post-doc (EMSEL)
- 2019.9-2020.8: Postdoc, EMSEL, Dept. of Environmental engineering, KyungHee University, Korea
출 신 학 교<o:p></o:p> |
기 간<o:p></o:p> |
학 과<o:p></o:p> |
전 공<o:p></o:p> |
졸업구분<o:p></o:p> (학위구분)<o:p></o:p> |
소재지<o:p></o:p> |
StonyBrook 뉴욕주립대<o:p></o:p> |
2007.09 - 2011.05<o:p></o:p> |
화학공학과<o:p></o:p> |
화학공학<o:p></o:p> |
학사<o:p></o:p> |
미국/뉴욕<o:p></o:p> |
포항공과대학교<o:p></o:p> |
2011.09 - 2013.08<o:p></o:p> |
원자력공학부<o:p></o:p> |
수소생산<o:p></o:p> |
석사<o:p></o:p> |
포항<o:p></o:p> |
포항공과대학교<o:p></o:p> |
2013.09 - 2019.08<o:p></o:p> |
화학공학과<o:p></o:p> |
공정시스템<o:p></o:p> |
박사<o:p></o:p> |
포항<o:p></o:p> |
경희대학교<o:p></o:p> |
2019.09-2020.08<o:p></o:p> |
환경공학과<o:p></o:p> |
EMSEL<o:p></o:p> |
POST-DOC<o:p></o:p> |
용인<o:p></o:p> |
포항공과대학교<o:p></o:p> |
2020.09~2021.05<o:p></o:p> |
원자력공학과<o:p></o:p> |
원자력폐기물처리<o:p></o:p> |
POST-DOC<o:p></o:p> |
포항<o:p></o:p> |
포항공과대학교<o:p></o:p> |
2021.05~2022.05<o:p></o:p> |
철강대학원<o:p></o:p> |
철강부생가스 정제공정개발<o:p></o:p> |
POST-DOC<o:p></o:p> |
포항<o:p></o:p> |
Research Field
l Process Modeling Simulation & Modification
l Heat Efficiency and thermodynamic evaluation
l Techno-Economic Analysis
l Hazardous Risk Assessment and Socio-Economic Analysis
l Hydrogen production & polygeneration
l Gas purification process (specialty: steel waste gas absorption process/Semiconductor strong acid waste gas treatment)
Selected Publications:
SCI 저널에 주저자 9편 출판
1. Park JK1, Lee S-Y, Lee I-B*. Study of Alternative Reactor-Separator Network in Bunsen Process of Sulfur-Iodine Cycle for Hydrogen Production. Japan Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019: 52: 638-649 (IF: 0.82)
2. Satchidanand R. Satpute1, Park JK, Revankar, S.T. *. Effect of Excess Iodine and Water on Bunsen Reaction for Over-Azeotropic Limit. Advanced Chemical Engineering Research. 2015; 1: 1-14
3. SangYoun Kim1, KiJeon Nam, SungKu Heo, SunJung Lee, JiHun Choi, JunKyu Park, ChangKyoo Yoo*. Spatio-Temporal Incidence Modeling and Prediction of the Vector-Borne Disease Using an Ecological Model and Deep Neural Network for Climate Change Adaption. . Korean Chemical Engineering Research. 2020: 58 (2): 197-208
4. Junkyu Park1, Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi, Usman Safder, Pouya Ifaei, ChangKyoo Yoo*. Hydrogen Production through the Sulfur-Iodine Cycle Using a Steam Boiler Heat Source for Risk and Techno-Socio-Economic Cost (RSTEC) Reduction: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020: 45: 14578-14593 (IF: 7.139)<o:p></o:p>
5. Sunku Heo1, KiJeon Nam1, Shahzeb Tariq, Juin Yau Lim, Junkyu Park, ChangKyoo Yoo*. A Hybrid Machine Learning-based Multi-Objective Control Strategy of a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment for Cost-Effective and Sustainable Operation under Varying Influent Conditions; Journal of Cleaner Production 2021: 125837 (IF: 11.072)
6. Junkyu Park1, Seok Young Lee1, JeongIn Kim, Wooyong Um, In-Beum Lee, ChangKyoo Yoo*. Energy, Safety, and Absorption Efficiency of a Pilot-Scale H¬2S Abatement Using MDEA solution in Coke-Oven Gas; Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021: 9 (1): 105037 (IF: 7.968)
7. Junkyu Park1*, Junsung Jeon, Wooyong Um*. Economic-Energy-Exergy-Risk (3ER) Assessment of Novel Integrated Ammonia Synthesis Process and Modified Sulfur-Iodine Cycle for Co-Production of Ammonia and Sulfuric Acid; Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021: 38(12): 2381-2396 (IF: 3.146)<o:p></o:p>
8. Junkyu Park1*, Jonggyu Lee, Junsung Jeon, Jinsu Kim, Young-Seek Yoon, Wooyong Um*. Process Optimization and Safety Assessment on a Pilot-Scale Bunsen Process in Sulfur-Iodine Cycle; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021: 46: 33616 (IF: 7.139)<o:p></o:p>
9. Junkyu Park1*, Seok Young Lee1, SeungJae Lee, Hyunmin Oh, Jinsu Kim, Young-Seek Yoon, In-Beum Lee, Wooyong Um. The Comprehensive Evaluation of Available Pilot-Scale H2S Abatement Process in a Coke-Oven Gas: Efficiency, Economic, Energy, and Environmental Safety (4ES); Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021: 9(10): 106903 (IF: 7.968)<o:p></o:p>
10. Junkyu Park1*, Seok Young Lee, Jinsu Kim, Young-Seek Yoon. Efficiency, Economic, Energy, and Safety (3ES) Analyses on Different Configurations of MDEA Absorption Process for Coke Oven Gas Desulfurization; Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 2022: 10 (15): 100281<o:p></o:p>
11. Junkyu Park1*, Sungkyum Kim1, JinsuKim, Young-Seek Yoon, Wooyong Um*. Heat, Economic, and Multi-Path Safety (HEMPS) Management on Co-generation of Hydrogen and Sulfuric Acid through Modified Sulfur-Iodine Cycle: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering: 2022: 10: 107566 (IF: 7.968)<o:p></o:p>
12. Jinsu Kim1, Junkyu Park*, Young-Seek Yoon. Simplified Sulfur-Iodine Cycle Process to Hydrogen Blast Furnace: techno-economic and CO2 mitigation analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022: 355: 131855 (IF: 11.072)
삼성전자 DS/TSP 총괄, 환경팀 or minhyunman@naver.com경력 및 학력
학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2015.02
석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2017.02
-연구논문(학위논문): 초미세물질 하수처리장 거동모델링, 모니터링, 제어, 최적화
Current Position
- 삼성전자 DS/TSP총괄 환경팀 - 2018.1 ~ 현재 - 이메일 : or |
-연구관심사 :
- 환경플랜트 모델링 및 설계
-환경시스템공학, 초미세물질 거동모델링
Selected Publications:
SCI 2편
1. Minhyun Kim, MinJeong Kim, SeHee Pyo, SeungChul Lee, Payam Ghorbannezhad, Dominic Chwan Yee Foo, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Greenhouse Emission Pinch Analysis (GEPA) for Evaluation of Emission Reduction Strategies, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (ISSN: 1618-954X, SCIE), Elsevier, pp.1381-1389 (2016.06)
2. Minhyun Kim†, Dongwoo Kim†, Iman Janghorban Esfahani†, Seungchel Lee, Minjeong Kim, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Performance Assessment and System Optimization of a Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) Based on Exergoeconomic and Exergoenvironmental Analyses, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 34(1), pp.6-19 (2017.01) †: equal first author
환경연구사, 수원시 경기도 지방직 공무원
경력 및 학력 학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2011.02 석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2013.02 -연구논문(학위논문): 지하역사 내 실내공기질 모니터링과 오염물질의 제어 및 에너지 최적화 통합시스템 개발 -연구관심사 : 통계학적 공정 모니터링, 데이타마이닝, 실내공기질 모니터링 및 제어, 공정최적화, 통합관리시스템, 비점오염원 거동해석, 하수관거모델 (SWMM), GPS-X
Current Position
Previous Position - (주)이씨마이너 기술연구소, 서울시 강남구 도곡동 지호빌딩 (2013.2 ~ 2015.4) |
- 경기연구원 환경팀 (2015.5 ~ 2015.12)
Selected Publications:
1. M.J. Kim, O.Y. Kang, B.S. Rao, J.R. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.H. Kim, C.K. Yoo, Proposing a new fouling index in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) based on mechanistic fouling model, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Desalination Publications, 33(1-3), pp. 209-217 (2011.09)
2. M.J. Kim, O.Y. Kang, B.S. Rao, J.R. Kim, H.J. Hwang, M.H. Kim, C.K. Yoo, Proposing a new fouling index in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) based on mechanistic fouling model, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Desalination Publications, 33(1-3), pp. 209-217 (2011.09)
3. Hongbin Liu, MinJeong Kim, OnYu Kang, Sankararao B, JeongTai Kim, Jo-Chun Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Sensor Validation for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality in a Subway Station, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), SAGE, 21(1), pp. 205-221 (2012.02)
4. MinJeong Kim, SankaraRao B, OnYu Kang, JeongTai Kim and ChangKyoo Yoo, Monitoring and prediction of indoor air quality (IAQ) in subway or metro systems using season dependent models, Energy and Buildings(ISSN: 0378-7788, SCIE, Top 10% journal-Construction & Building Technology as well as Engineering, Civil), Elsevier, 46, pp. 48-55 (2012.03)
5. JungJin Lim, MinHan Kim, MinJung Kim, TaeSuk Oh, OnYu Kang, Booki Min, A. Seshagiri Rao and ChangKyoo Yoo, A Systematic Model Calibration Methodology Based on Multiple Errors Minimization Method for the Optimal Parameter Estimation of ASM1, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 29(3), pp.291-303 (2012.03)
6. TaeSeok Oh, MinJeong Kim, JungJin Lim, OnYu Kang, K. Vidya Shetty, B. SankaraRao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Jae Hyung Park, and Jeong Tai Kim, A real-time monitoring and assessment method for calculation of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted in subway stations, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (ISSN: 1096-2247, 1047-3289, SCI), Taylor & Francis, 62(5), pp.517?526 (2012.04.27)
7. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, ChangKyoo Yoo, Parametric analysis and optimization of combined gas turbine and reverse osmosis system using refrigeration cycle, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Taylor & Francis, 43(1-3), pp.149-158 (2012.4)
8. JungJin Lim, YongSu Kim, TaeSuk Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, Jeong Tai Kim, In-Won Kim, Jo-Chun Kim, Jae-Sik Jeon and ChangKyooYoo, Analysis and Prediction of Indoor Air Pollutants in a Subway Station Using a New Key Variable Selection Method, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(8), pp.994-1003 (2012.08)
9. JungJin Lim, Boddupalli Sankarrao, TaeSeok Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, JeongTai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Estimation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions (GHG) from Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Closed-loop Mass Balance and Data Reconciliation, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(9), pp.1123-1128 (2012.09)
10. OnYu Kang, SeungChul Lee, Kailas Wasewar, MinJeong Kim, Hongbin Liu, TaeSeok Oh, Emad Janghorban and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Determination of key sensor locations for non-point pollutant sources management in sewer network, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 30(1), pp.20-26 (2013.1)
11. OnYu Kang, Hongbin Liu, MinJeong Kim, Jeong Tai Kim, Kailas L. Wasewar, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Periodic local multi-way analysis and monitoring of indoor air quality in a subway system considering the weekly effect, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), SAGE journal, 48(2), pp.- (2013.2)
-강온유, Editor’s choice로 선정, ” 시스템 해석에 기초한 하수관망 오염 매카니즘과 관망 모니터링 및 이상진단", Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.29, No.12, 1657-1665, 2012) 우수 논문으로 Editor’s choice로 선정 (선정일시 : 2013년 2월)
Domestic Papers:
1. 강온유, 이승철, 김민정, 유수민, 유창규, 시스템 해석에 기초한 하수관망 오염 매카니즘과 관망 모니터링 및 이상진단, Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK) (ISSN: 0304-128X), (), pp. (2012.08) (accepted)
Research Fellow, Nanyang Tech. Univ., Singapore Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hai Tra
2012.10 ~ 2016.12 Hoa Sen University of Vietnam (BSc: Technology of Environmental Management and Engineering)
Research Professor, SKKU, Korea
abdulrahman.baalwi@gmail.comName: Abdulrahman H. Ba Alawi
Assistant professor, ESPOL, Ecuador
paelivigo@gmail.comName: Prof. Paulina Vilela Govea, Ph.D.
Position: Assistant Professor(Faculty position), Dept. of Civil Engineering, ESPOL, Ecuador
- Date: 2022.03 ~ till date
5. Paulina Vilela, Gabriel Jácome, Sang Youn Kim, KiJeon Nam, ChangKyoo Yoo, Population response modeling and habitat suitability of Cobitis choii fish species in South Korea for climate change adaptation, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, (ISSN: 0147-6513, SCIE, IF= 4.87, Top 12% journal Toxicology, DOI:, Elsevier, 189(), (2020.2).
6. Paulina Vilela+ , SungKu Heo+ , Soonho Hwangbo* , and ChangKyoo Yoo* , Optimal utility supply network under demand uncertainty for operational risk assessment on a petrochemical industrial park, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 37(7), pp. 1116-1129 (2020.07)
7. Pouya Ifaei+, Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi+, Paulina Vilela, Usman Safder and ChangKyoo Yoo*, A new utility-free circular integration approach for optimal multigeneration from biowaste streams, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN:0196-8904, SCIE, Top 3% journal: Mechanics), Elsevier, 254(2), pp.116269 (2022.02)
Research Fellow, University College Dublin, Ireland
usman.safder@gmail.comName: Dr. Usman Safder
Senior Research Assocate Dr. Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi
- Senior Research Assocate, (주) LTD
4. Pouya Ifaei+, Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi+, Paulina Vilela, Usman Safder and ChangKyoo Yoo*, A new utility-free circular integration approach for optimal multigeneration from biowaste streams, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN:0196-8904, SCIE, Top 3% journal: Mechanics), Elsevier, 254(2), pp.115269 (2022.02)
Ewha Women Univ.., Research Professor (Prof. Na group) Dr. Pouya Ifaei
Former Position:
- Research Professor (Prof. Yoo group)
- 2019.3.1 ~2024.1
29. Z. Rashidi, A.R.Karbassi, A. Ataei, P. Ifaei, R.S. Zafarghandi, M.J. Mohammadizadeh. Power Plant Design Using Gas Produced By Waste Leachate Treatment Plant. International Journal of Environmental Research 6 (4), 875-882 (2012).
Research Professor, HanYang Univ. /
Name: Dr. Jorge Loy 박사
Research Interest : AI/IAQ/Prediction Model/Sensor Validation/Reinforcement Learning/Autonomous Control
Selected Publications:
8. Jorge Loy-Benitez+, Shahzeb Tariq+, Hai Tra Nguyen, Usman, KiJeon Nam , ChangKyoo Yoo, Neural circuit policies-based temporal flexible soft-sensor modeling of subway PM2.5 with applications on indoor air quality management, Building and Environment (ISSN: 0360-1323, SCIE, Top 5% journal: Construction & Building), Elsevier, 207(1), pp.108537 (2022.1)
(주)부강테크, AMX Team: 팀장
경력 및 학력 학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2011.02 석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2013.02 -연구논문(학위논문): 기후변화대비 하수처리장의 GHG발생모델링, 유효저감기술 및 감축잠재량 연구 -연구관심사 : 온실가스배출모델링, 기후변화, 배출량 산정 및 환경성 평가, 에너지시스템공학, Message S/W, GPS-X
Current Position - (주)부강테크, AMX Team: 팀장 - 2013.2 ~ 현재 - 업무 : 수처리 기업, Anamox 공정, 하폐수처리장 설계, 멤브레인사업, 생물막하수처리시스템, 자원절감 및 에너지 자립화, 가축분뇨처리, 미래형 하수처리모델(Tomorrow Water Process) - 이메일 : |
Selected Publications:
1. A. Ataei, K.S. Lee, J.J. Lim, M.J. Kim, H.B. Liu, O.Y. Kang, T.S. Oh, C.K. Yoo, A Review on Environmental Process Engineering, International Journal of Environmental Research(IJER, ISSN: 1735-6865, SCIE), Elsevier, 5(4), pp. 875-890, (2011.09)
2. JungJin Lim, MinHan Kim, MinJung Kim, TaeSuk Oh, OnYu Kang, Booki Min, A. Seshagiri Rao and ChangKyoo Yoo, A Systematic Model Calibration Methodology Based on Multiple Errors Minimization Method for the Optimal Parameter Estimation of ASM1, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 29(3), pp.291-303 (2012.03)
3. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, Vidya ShettyK, TaeSuk Oh, JaeHyung Park and ChangKyoo Yoo, Modeling and genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization of the MED-TVC desalination system, Desalination(ISSN: 0011-9164, SCI), Elsevier, 292, pp.87-104 (2012.4)
4. TaeSeok Oh, MinJeong Kim, JungJin Lim, OnYu Kang, K. Vidya Shetty, B. SankaraRao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Jae Hyung Park, and Jeong Tai Kim, A real-time monitoring and assessment method for calculation of total amounts of indoor air pollutants emitted in subway stations, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (ISSN: 1096-2247, 1047-3289, SCI), Taylor & Francis, 62(5), pp.517?526 (2012.04.27)
5. TaeSuk Oh, Hongbin Liu, MingJung Kim, SeungChul Lee, Min-Kyeong Yeo, ChangKyoo Yoo, External Analysis-based Fuzzy PLS Model for Prediction and Monitoring in MBR, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Taylor & Francis, 43(1-3), pp.185-192 (2012.4)
6. JungJin Lim, YongSu Kim, TaeSuk Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, Jeong Tai Kim, In-Won Kim, Jo-Chun Kim, Jae-Sik Jeon and ChangKyooYoo, Analysis and Prediction of Indoor Air Pollutants in a Subway Station Using a New Key Variable Selection Method, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(8), pp.994-1003 (2012.08)
7. JungJin Lim, Boddupalli Sankarrao, TaeSeok Oh, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, JeongTai Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Estimation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions (GHG) from Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Closed-loop Mass Balance and Data Reconciliation, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, 29(9), pp.1123-1128 (2012.09)
8. OnYu Kang, SeungChul Lee, Kailas Wasewar, MinJeong Kim, Hongbin Liu, TaeSeok Oh, Emad Janghorban and ChangKyoo Yoo, Determination of key sensor locations for non-point pollutant sources management in sewer network, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp. (2012.07) (in press)
-오태석, ” 기후변화대비 하수처리장의 온실가스량 추정, 유효저감기술 그리고 감축전략 연구", 한국화학공학회 2012년 추계학술대회, 2012년도 화학공학회 회명대학원 연구상 (수상일시 : 2012년 10월 15일)
1. 오태석, 유창규, 김민정, 김용수, 임정진, “하수처리공법 별 온실가스 및 슬러지 배출량 산정 및 환경성 평가”, 한국화학공학회 2010년 봄 학술대회 초록집, Poster presentation, pp.366 (2010.4.23)
2. 오태석, 김민정, 임정진, 김용수, 유창규, "전과정평가를 통한 하수처리 공정의 환경성 평가 및 경제성 평가", 대한환경공학회 2010년 가을 학술대회 초록집, Poster, 인천 송도컨벤시아, pp.365, 2010.12.03
3. 오태석, 유창규, 김민정, 임정진, "하수처리장모델 기반 기후변화 취약성평가 및 적응방안 연구", 한국화학공학회 2011년 춘계학술대회 초록집, Oral, 창원 컨벤션센터, pp. 122 (2011. 04. 28)
4. T.S. Oh, M.J. Kim, J.J. Lim, O.Y. Kang, B. SankaraRao, I.W. Kim, J.C. Kim, J.T. Kim and C.K. Yoo, "A Real Time Integrated Calculation Method for Total Emission of Indoor Air Pollutants in Subway Stations", Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition(A&WMA 2011), Oral presentation, Olando, USA (2011.06.21-24)
(주) 유앤유 S/W 기술연구소 선임연구원
Name: 이가희, Gahee-Rhee
Job Position: (주) 유앤유 S/W 기술연구소 선임연구원 - 2020.3 ~ 현재
Education: - 2013.03 ~ 2018.02 KyungHee University (BS - Environmental Engineering)
Research Area: Multimedia Environmetal Model, 환경시스템공학, 다매체 환경모델, MBR, Dynamic programming, Advanced control, MBR, Smart Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence/Big data, Energy informatics, Smart water factory modeling(sludge-to-biofuel pathway optimization, Value-added process model/resource recovery model)
Selected Publications:
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (SCI/SCIE) 1. Gahee Rhee†, Juin Yau Lim†, Soonho Hwangbo*, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Evaluation of an integrated microalgae-based biorefinery process and energy-recovery system from livestock manure using a superstructure model, Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN: 0959-6526; SCIE: Top 7% Environmental Sciences). (2020.08) 2. Jouan Rashidi+, GaHee Rhee+, Minhyun Kim, KiJun Nam, Sungku Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo* Abdolreza Karbassi*, Life Cycle and Economic Assessments of Key Emerging Energy Efficient Wastewater Treatment Processes for Climate Change Adaptation, International Journal of Environmental Research (SCIE, ISSN: 1735-6865), Springer, 12(6), pp. 815-827 (2018.12) 3. Soonho Hwangbo, Gurkan Sin, Gahee Rhee, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Development of an integrated network for waste-to-energy and central utility systems considering air pollutant emissions pinch analysis Journal title: Journal of Cleaner Production Corresponding (SCI, TOP10% journal). 4. Juin Yau Lim, Bing Shen How, Gahee Rhee, Soonho Hwangbo*, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Transitioning of Localized Renewable Energy System towards Sustainable Hydrogen Development Planning: P-graph Approach, Applied Energy (ISSN: 0306-2619, SCI, IF=8.5, Top 3% journal ? Engineering, Chemical), Elsevier, 263(2), pp.114635(1-17) (2020.2) (Ack:2017R1E1A1A03070713 & Swinburne University of Technology) 5. KiJeon Nam†, SungKu Heo†, GaHee Rhee, MinJeong Kim, and Chang Kyoo Yoo*, Dual-objective optimization for energy-saving and fouling mitigation in MBR plants using influent prediction and an integrated biological-physical model, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, JCR Top 3.4%), 625(5), pp.119208 (2021.2) (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
1.이가희, 황보순호, 유창규*, 다매체거동모델을 이용한 대도시 자동차 배출 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 거동 해석 및 영향평가 (Fate Analysis and Impact Assessment fof Vehicle Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Emitted from Metropolitan City Using Multimedia Fugacity Model), Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK) (ISSN: 0304-128X, 학진등재/Scopus), (), - (Ack: Ack:2017R1E1A1A03070713) (2018.6) 2. 김예린+, 이가희+, 허성구+, 남기전, Qian Li, 유창규*, 산업단지 VOC 저감 최적가용기법 (BAT) 선정을 위한 다매체 거동모델 기반 인체위해성·환경성·경제성 평가 (Human Health Risk, Environmental and Economic Assessment Based on Multimedia Fugacity Model for Determination of Best Available Technology (BAT) for VOC Reduction in Industrial Complex), Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK) (ISSN: 0304-128X, 학진등재/Scopus), (), - (Ack: 2017R1E1A1A03070713) (2020.5)
삼성엔지니어링 환경기술센터
경력 및 학력 학사 : 카톨릭대학교 환경공학과, 2015.02 석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2017.02 -연구논문(학위논문): Deep learning 기반 QSAR 모델 개발
-연구관심사 : QSAR 모델, 기후변화 취약성 평가, Deep learning, data mining, 반도체 장비 operation solution, Data analyist
Current Position
(2017.02 ~ 2020.11: 주) 비스텔, Data analyst) |
Selected Publications:
SCI 3편
Dongwoo Kim‡, Gabriel Jacome‡, SeungChul Lee, Wladimir Moya, KiJeon Nam, and Changkyoo Yoo, Vulnerability assessment index at process-level for the identification of adaptive strategies in wastewater treatment plants under climate change, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp.- (2017.12)
충남연구원/서해안기후환경연구소/기후변화대응연구센터 이가혜, gahye-Lee
Job position: 연구원, 충남연구원 서해안기후환경연구소 기후변화대응연구센터
- 2022.01 ~ till date, 충남연구원
- 2012.03 ~ 2017.02 Kangwon University (BS - Environmental Science)
- 2019.09 ~ 2021.09 KyungHee University (MSc - Environmental Engineering)
- 연구논문(학위논문): 다변량 통계 분석과 PMF 모델을 이용한 대기 중 초미세먼지 오염원 확인 및 기여도 추정-기후변화적응정책
Email :
Research Area: 기후변화 대응 공기질 빅데이터의 분석 및 예측, 다변량 통계 분석, PMF 모델, 초미세먼지 오염원 기여도 추정, 기후변화적응정책
Selected Publications:
CL3, 삼성전자/GCS팀, 석사 (삼성전자 DS 학술연수)
salgomji@gmail.comName: 김정인, Jeongin Kim
Current Position:
- 삼성전자 DS 글로벌인프라총괄 GCS팀 기술조직,CL3
- 2004.03 ~ 2010.02 Hanyang University (BS - Chemical Engineering)
- 2020.03 ~ 2022.02 KyungHee University (MSc - Environmental Engineering) (삼성전자 DS 학술연수)
Research Area: 환경정보학, 인공지능, 강화학습, QSAR, Transformer, 위해성, Python/Matlab/RMG/Aloha/Cameo
Selected Publications:
1.Tra Nguyen Hai+, Usman Safder+, JeongIn Kim+, SungKu Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, An adaptive safety-risk mitigation plan at process-level for sustainable production in chemical industries: An integrated fuzzy-HAZOP-best-worst approach, Journal of Cleaner Production(ISSN: 0959-6526, SC<wbr>I, JCR TOP7%, IF 9.27), Elsevieer, 339(3), pp.130780 (2022.03)
2.JunKyu Park†, Seok Young Lee†, JeongIn Kim, Wooyong Um, In-Beum Lee, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Energy, Safety, and Absorption Efficiency Evaluation of a Pilot-Scale H2S Abatement Process Using MDEA Solution in a Coke-Oven Gas, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (SCIE), Elsevier, pp. (2021.01)
1. 허성구+, 정찬혁+, 이나희, 심예림, 우태용, 김정인, 유창규*, 첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(II): e-ASM 모델 보정, 수질 예측, 공정 선택과 설계 (Water Digital Twin for high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment system (II): e-ASM model calibration, effluent prediction, process selection, and design, Clean Technology(청정기술) (ISSN:1598-9712, 한국연구재단 등재학술지), (), - (Ack: NRF2021-중견연구) (2022.1)
Senior researcher, Zhejiang Lab/Research Center for Intelligent Society and Governance, China
liqian0712@hotmail.comName: Dr. Qian Li
Current Position: Senior researcher, Research Center for Intelligent Society and Governance, Research Institute of Interdisciplinary Innovation, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Research Interest :
Renewable energy and sustainable energy system/Multimedia fate modelling/Environmental system engineering/Text mining (sentiment analysis)
- 2011.09 - 2015.07: Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Henan, China (BSc. Mining Engineering)
- 2015.09 ~ 2021.02 KyungHee University, Korean (MSc/PhD Environmental Engineering)
Selected Publications:
1. Li, Qian, Wladimir Moya, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Jouan Rashidi, and ChangKyoo Yoo*. Integration of reverse osmosis desalination with hybrid renewable energy sources and battery storage using electricity supply and demand-driven power pinch analysis. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 111 (2017): 795-809. (IF = 4.966)
2. Li, Qian†, Jorge Loy-Benitez†, KiJeon Nam, Soonho Hwangbo, Jouan Rashidi, and ChangKyoo Yoo*. Sustainable and reliable design of reverse osmosis desalination with hybrid renewable energy systems through supply chain forecasting using recurrent neural networks. Energy 178 (2019): 277-292. (IF = 6.082)
3. Li, Qian, Minjeong Kim, Ying Liu, and ChangKyoo Yoo*. Quantitative assessment of human health risks induced by vehicle exhaust polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at Zhengzhou via multimedia fugacity models with cancer risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 618 (2018): 430-438. (IF = 6.551)
4. Li, Qian†, Jorge Loy-Benitez†, SungKu Heo, Seungchul Lee, Hongbin Liu, and ChangKyoo Yoo*. Flexible real-time ventilation design in a subway station accommodating the various outdoor PM10 air quality from climate change variation. Building and Environment 153 (2019): 77-90. (IF = 4.971)
평화엔지니어링 해외사업부, 팀장 (이사)
im.janghorban@gmail.comPosition: Assistant Professor, Azad University in Tehran, Iran (President, SPC in Korea and Iran),
평화엔지니어링 해외사업팀, 팀장 (이사)
email :
Date: 2017.09.01 ~ till date
· 2006. 6. Azad University Khomeini Shahr Branch, Esfahan, Iran (B. Tech - Mechanical Engineering)
· 2010. 2. Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran (M.Tech - Energy Systems Engineering)
- Thesis title: "Combined Fresh Water and Power Generation by Integration of MED-TVC Desalination System and Braysson Cycle"
· 2011.03 ~ 2015.02. Kyung Hee University, Korea , Ph.D. Student
- Thesis title: "Optimal design of high efficient combined desalination and refrigeration system coupled with CHP and hybrid renewable energy sources"
-Postdoc (since 2015.03 ~ 2016.07)
-이사, 개발사업부, 평화엔지니어링 (since 2016.12 ~ till date) & Director, Special Purpose Company (SPC in Iran)
Research Area:
1- Modeling, Simulation and optimization of desalination units
2- Modeling, Simulation and optimization of combined power plants
3- Integration of power plant and desalination systems
4- Studying of combined water and power generation systems for efficient increasing and cost decreasing
5- Integration of several desalination systems for energy efficient sea-water desalination.
Selected Publications:
1. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, Vidya Shetty K, TaeSuk Oh, Jae Hyung Park, ChangKyoo Yoo. Modeling and genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization of the MED-TVC desalination system. Desalination, 292 (2012) 87-104.
2. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, MinJung Kim, OnYu Kang, ChangKyoo Yoo. Parametric analysis and optimization of combined gas turbine and reverse osmosis systems using refrigeration cycle. Desalin Water Treat, 43 (2012) 149-158.
3. I. Janghorban Esfahani, , M.J. Kim, C.H. Yun, C.K. Yoo. Proposed new fouling monitoring indices for seawater reverse osmosis to determine the membrane cleaning interval. J. Membr. Sci., 442 (2013) 83-96.
4. I. Janghorban Esfahani, C.K. Yoo. Exergy analysis and parametric optimization of three power and fresh water cogeneration systems using refrigeration chillers. Energy, 59 (2013) 340-355.
5. I. Janghorban Esfahani, C.K. Yoo. A cost approach for optimization of a combined power and thermal desalination system throgh exergy and environmental analysis. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52 (2013) 11099-11110.
6. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Feasibility study and performance assessment for the integration of a steam-injected gas turbine and thermal desalination system. Desalination, 332 (2014) 18-32.
7. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Yong Tae Kang, ChangKyoo Yoo. A highly efficient combined multi-effect evaporation-absorption heat pump and vapor-compression refrigeration part 1: Energy and economic modeling and analysis. Energy, 75 (2014) 312-326.
8. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. A highly efficient combined multi-effect evaporation-absorption heat pump and vapor-compression refrigeration part 2: Thermoeconomic and flexibility analysis. Energy, 75 (2014) 327-337.
9. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Evaluation and optimization of a multi-effect evaporation-absorption heat pump desalination based conventional and advanced exergy and exergo-economic analyses. Desalination. In press.
10. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Extended-power pinch analysis (EPoPA) for integration of renewable energy systems with battery/hydrogen storage . Submitted in Renewable Energy. Nov. 2014.
11. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Integration of renewable energy systems based HyPoPA with energy loss consideration. Submitted in Renewable Energy. Sep. 2014.
12. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Integration of amonnia/water absorpsion chiller with forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis systems for energy efficient cooling, freshwater, and power generation. Under revising. It will be submitted in J. Membr. Sci. Feb. 2015.
13. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Optimal design of hybrid wind-solar power system with battery/hydrogen storage based combined pinch and exergo-environ-economic analysis. Under writing. It will be submitted in Energy & Environmental Science (EES). Jan. 2015.
14. Srinivas Sahan Kolluri, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. The two-stage optimization approach for the synthesis of resource conservation networks involving interception units. Chem. Eng. Res. Press.
15. Srinivas Sahan Kolluri, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo. Optimal design of integrated RO-FO network synthesis in a seawater desalination system. Under preparation. It will be submitted in Desalination, Feb. 2015.
Name: 김상윤, KIM SANG YOUN
Current Position: 박사과정, Ph.D. Student
- 2015.03 ~ 2019.02 KyungHee University (BS - Environmental Engineering)
- 2021.09 ~ 2023.08 KyungHee University (MSc - Environmental Engineering)
Thesis title: 신재생에너지와 바이오 조류 전환 에너지 공정 설계 : 최적 플래닝와 전과정평가
Research Area: 환경시스템공학, 인공지능, 자율운전, Software, Smart Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence/Big data, Deep learning/Reinforcement Learning, 기후변화 지능화, 기술경제성평가(TEA), 전과정평가(LCA), 반도체/디스플레이 배기/그린
email: /
Selected Publications:
1. Paulina Vilela, Gabriel Jacome, SangYoun Kim, KiJeon Nam, ChangKyooYoo, Population response modeling and habitat suitability of Cobitis choii fish species in South Korea for climate change adaptation, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(SCI, JCR TOP20%), Volume 189, pp.109949 (February 2020)
2. TaeYong Woo+ , KiJeon Nam+, SungKu Heo, Juin Yau Lim, SangYoun Kim, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Predictive maintenance system for membrane replacement time detection using AI-based functional profile monitoring: Application to a full-scale MBR plant, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, IF=8.7, JCR JCR Top 3.4%), pp.(2022.5) (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
3. Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi+ , Jorge Loy-Benitez+ , SangYun Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Missing data imputation and sensor self-validation towards a sustainable operation of wastewater treatment plants via deep variational residual autoencoders, Chemosphere(ISSN: 0045-6535, SCIE, JCR TOP 11%), 288(3), pp.132647 (2022.2)
4. SungKu Heo, Jaerak Ko , SangYoun Kim, Chanhyeok Jeong, Soonho Hwangbo
주)베올리아워터 코리아 (Veolia Water Korea)
경력 및 학력 학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2008.08 석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2010.08 -연구논문(학위논문): 지하역사 및 터널의 실내공기질 다변량 모니터링 및 모델링 -연구관심사 : "하수처리장 모델링 및 공정 최적화", "실내공기질 모니터링 및 모델링"
Previsous Position - 효성에바라엔지리어링 기술연구소, 서울시 방배동 - 2010.10 ~ 2016. |
Award -김용수, 유창규, ”외부공기질 배제 다변량 통계기법을 이용한 지하역사 실내공기질 모니터링 및 예측 모델”, 한국화학공학회 2009년 추계학술대회, 일산 킨텍스, pp. 126 (2010.04.22) 2009년도 가을 학술대회 대학원논문상 |
Selected Publications:
1. Kim, Y.-S., Yoo, C.-K. (2008), TMS-based Integrated Monitoring of Indoor Air Quality in a Subway Station, J. Ecotechnology Research, International Association of Ecotechnology Research, 14(2), 69-69.
2. Kim, Y.-S., Hwang, S.-J., Oh, J.-M., Whang, G.-D., Yoo, C.-K. (2009), Mapping multi-class cancers and clinical outcomes prediction for multiple classifications of microarray gene expression data, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 26(4), 969-979.
3. Kim, Y.-S., Sung, S.-W., Yoo, C.-K. (2009), On-line process identification and implementation of a proportional-integral-derivative controller in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(11), 1643-1653.
4. Kim, Y.-S., Kim, J.-T., Kim, I.-W., Jo Chun Kim and ChangKyoo Yoo, Multivariate Monitoring and Local Interpretation of Indoor Air Quality in an Underground Space, Environmental Engineering Science, 27(9), pp. -, in press (2010.09.01)
5. Y.S. Kim, M.H. Kim and C.K. Yoo, A New Statistical Framework for Parameter Subset Selection and Optimal Parameter Estimation in the Activated Sludge Model, Revised to Journal of Hazardous Materials (2010.07) (accepted)
6. YongSu Kim, MinJung Kim, JungJin Lim, Jeung-Tae Kim and ChangKyoo Yoo, Predictive Monitoring and Diagnosis of Periodic Air Pollution in a Subway Station, Submitted to Journal of Hazardous Materials (2010.07) (accepted)
한국전력기술(KOPEC) 연구소, (플랜트)신재생환경기술그룹, 선임연구원
경력 및 학력 학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2010.02 석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2012.02 -석사학위논문: 활성슬러지모델 기반 유입수 성상분석, 모델 보정 및 최적화 연구 -연구관심사 : "하수처리장 모델링 및 공정 최적화"
Current Position - 한국전력기술(KOPEC) 연구소, (플랜트)신재생환경기술그룹 - 2013.01 ~ 현재 |
이메일 : |
Selected Publications:
1. JungJin Lim, YuLim Lee, Abtin Ataei, ChangKyoo Yoo, Exploration of dual optimal conditions for COD and nitrogen removal in an MBR, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering (ISSN:1932-2143, SCIE), 6(3), pp.433-440 (2011.05)
2. Lim J.J., Kim Y.S., Kim M.J., Oh T.S., Kang O.Y., Kim I.W., Kim J.C., Jeon J.S. and Yoo C.K., Analysis and Prediction of Indoor Air Pollutants in a Subway Station Using a New Key Variable Selection Method, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, (2011.10) (accepted)
3. JungJin Lim, MinHan Kim, MinJung Kim, TaeSuk Oh, OnYu Kang, Booki Min, A. Seshagiri Rao and ChangKyooYoo, A Systematic Model Calibration Methodology Based on Multiple Errors Minimization Method for the Optimal Parameter Estimation of ASM1, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE) , (), pp. (2012.03) (in press)
[Associate Professor] Nanjing Forest Univ., China
경력 및 학력 Education: ·Ph.D Degree: 2009.9-2013.8, Kyung Hee University, Korea - Postdoc, Uppsala Univ., Sweden , 2013.10 ~ 2014.12
Current Position [부교수] 중국 난징산림대 환경공학과 [Associate Professor] Nanjing Forest Univ., China email : 刘鸿斌 - 2015.03 ~ Till date |
Selected Publications:
Post-doc, LEC, Technical Univ. of Gratz, tugraz, Austria
zhowan_ra@hotmail.comEmail :
Current position:
Post-doc researcher in LEC (Large Engines Competence Center), Technical Univ. of Gratz, tugraz, Austria
Flexible energy systems (ICE - power-to-X ? CCU ? energy storage ? …… )
Education: · 2010 ~ 2012 science and research branch of Azad University, Tehran (MSc-renewable energies engineering) · 2013 ~ 2015 science and research branch of Azad University, Tehran (Ph. D-Energy systems engineering) · 2015.3 ~ 2019.2 Kyung Hee University (Ph. D Environmental engineering) | |
Research Area: |
-renewable energies , solar energy engineering, biogas production, water desalination, energy systems modeling, combined power and cooling generation
Dr. Jouan Rashid, an Outstanding Emerging researcher Award for 2018, Iran embassy (2018. 12)
Selected Publications:
1. Pouya Ifaei, Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Thermoeconomic and environmental analyses of a low water consumption combined steam power plant and refrigeration chillers- Part 1: Energy and economic modelling and analysis, Energy Conversion and Management) (ISSN: 0196-8904, SCIE, IF=4.8, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 2 journal), Elsevier, 123(), pp. 610-624 (2016.09)
2. Jouan Rashidi, Pouya Ifaei, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Abtin Ataei, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Thermodynamic and economic studies of two new high efficient power-cooling cogeneration systems based on Kalina and absorption refrigeration cycles, Energy Conversion and Management) (ISSN: 0196-8904, SCIE , IF=4.8, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 2 journal), Elsevier, 127(), pp. 170-186 (2016.10)
3. Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Pouya Ifaei, Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Control performance evaluation of reverse osmosis desalination system based on model predictive control and PID controllers, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Desalination Publications, 57(55), pp. 26692-26699 (2016.06.20)
4. Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Exergetic and Exergoeconomic Studies of Two Highly Efficient Power-Cooling Cogeneration Systems Based on the Kalina and Absorption Refrigeration Cycles, Applied Thermal Engineering (ISSN:1359-4311, SCIE, Top 6% journal ? MECHANICS/ENGINEERING,MECHANICAL, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.05.195), Elsevier, 124(), pp. 1023-1037 (2017.6) (Ack: 2015R1A2A2A11001120) (2017.9)
5. Qian Li+, Wladimir Moya+, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Jouan Rashidi and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Integration of reverse osmosis desalination with hybrid renewable energy sources and battery storage using electricity supply and demand-driven power pinch analysis, Process Safety and Environmental Protection Official journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part B (ISSN: 0957-5820, SCIE, DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2017.09.009) Elsevier, 111(), pp. 795?809 (2017.10)
6. Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, A Novel Kalina Power-Cooling Cycle with an Ejector Absorption Refrigeration Cycle - Thermodynamic Modelling and Pinch Analysis, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN: 0196-8904, SCIE, IF=4.8, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 2 journal,), Elsevier, 162, pp.225-238 (2018.4)
7. Usman Safder, Pouya Ifaei, KiJeon Nam, Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Availability and Reliability Analysis of Integrated Reverse Osmosis - Forward Osmosis Desalination Network, Desalination and Water Technology(DWT) (ISSN:1944-3994, SCIE), Desalination Publications, 109(), pp. 1-7 (2018.03)
8. Jouan Rashidi, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Exergy, exergo-economic, and exergy-pinch analyses (EXPA) of the kalina power-cooling cycle with an ejector, Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442, SCI, IF=4.15, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 3 journal), Elsevier, 155(7), pp. 504-520 (2018.07)
9. Jouan Rashidi+, GaHee Rhee+, Minhyun Kim, KiJun Nam, Sungku Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo* Abdolreza Karbassi*, Life Cycle and Economic Assessments of Key Emerging Energy Efficient Wastewater Treatment Processes for Climate Change Adaptation, International Journal of Environmental Research
Name: 표세희
Position: 주) 평화엔지니어링, 환경영향평가/환경플랜트
이메일 :
Education: |
Research Area: |
-Environment Systems Engineerin (ESE)
-GHG modeling and control in wwtp
-Computational toxicology, QSAR
-환경플랜트 모델링 및 설계
삼성엔지니어링, 플랜트설계팀
Name: 신민혁
Position: 삼성엔지니어링, 플랜트설계팀
Education: · 학부연구참여 : 화학반응매카니즘 생성 모사 (RMG simulator) 아스펜 환경 공정 모사
Publication 정찬혁*, 김상윤*, 허성구, Shahzeb Tariq, 신민혁, 유창규+, 3D 프린팅 소재 화학물질의 독성 예측을 위한 Data-centric XAI 기반 분자 구조 data imputation과 QSAR 모델 개발 (Data-centric XAI-driven Data Imputation of Molecular Structure and QSAR Model for Toxicity Prediction of 3D Printing Chemicals), Korean Chemical Engineering Research(ISSN: 0304-128X, 학진등재/Scopus), 64(4), pp. (2023.11) |
SK하이닉스, 환경/안전/보건(EHS)
Name: 이현진 Position: SK하이닉스, 환경/안전/보건(EHS)
삼성전자 DS 환경안전 (부문공통)
Name: 김예린 Position: 삼성전자 DS 공통부문 환경안전
Name: Name: 김예린
Position: 삼성전자 DS/TSP총괄, 환경안전
Education: - 학부연구참여 : 녹조 이미지 비젼 : Chl-a와 수계의 RGB수치를 포함한 영향인자들 간의 상관관계 분석 |
Position: 삼성전자 DS/TSP총괄, 환경안전
주)삼성전자 TSP 총괄,환경안전
ughkln@naver.comName: 허경진
Position: Samsung Electronics, 주)삼성전자 TSP 총괄,환경안전
Education: |
Name: 문신선
Position: Samsung Electronics, 주)삼성전자 DS부문, HSE 총괄 사업부 (삼성 환경안전트랙 1기)
Education: |
Name: 최경우 Position: 주)LG화학
83mhkim@gmail.com경력 및 학력
학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2008.02
석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2010.02
-연구논문(학위논문): 하수처리공정 모델링, 제어, 최적화, 설계의 통합 시스템 개발
-연구관심사 : "하수처리장 모델링 및 공정 최적화"
Current Position
- 경기도 판교테크노밸리
- 2017.02 ~ 현재
Previous Position
- 주) 팬지아 21, 경기도 안양시 동안구
- 2010.03 ~ 2017.01
2009년도 봄 학술대회 우수포스터발표상, 생물공정에서 민감도 분석에 기반한 신경망 모델 구조 설정 방법론, 한국화학공학회 2009년 추계 학술대회, 일산 킨텍스 (2009.10.23)
Publication list (SCI/SCIE)
1. MinHan Kim, A. Seshagiri Rao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Dual Optimization Strategy for N and P Removal in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(13), pp. 6363?6371 (2009.07.01)
2. Min-Han Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Multivariate monitoring for time-derivative non-Gaussian batch process, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), pp.947-954 (2008.09.30)
3. M.H. Kim, Y.S. Kim, A. A. Prabu and C.K. Yoo, A Systematic Approach of Data-Driven Modeling and Soft Sensing in a Full-scale Plant, Water Science and Technology, 60(2), pp.363-370 (2009.08.01)
4. ChangKyoo Yoo and MinHan Kim, Industrial experience of process identification and set-point decision algorithm in a full-scale treatment plant, J. Environmental Management, 90(8), pp.2823-2830 (2009.11.01)
5. Y.S. Kim, M.H. Kim, C.K. Yoo, A New Statistical Framework for Parameter Subset Selection and Optimal Parameter Estimation in the Activated Sludge Model, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2010.07) (in press)
6. MinHan Kim, YoungSu Kim, JungJin Lim, Jeung-Tae Kim, SuWhan Sung and ChangKyoo Yoo, Data-Driven Prediction Model of Indoor Air Quality in an Underground Space, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, , 28(1), pp. -, (2011.01.01) (in press)
Domestic Journals
1. 김민한, 유창규, 모델링 기법을 이용한 하폐수처리 공정 설계와 환경성 및 경제성 평가, 화학공학, 46(3), pp.610-618 (2008.06.30)
2. 김용수, 김현주, 이인범, 유창규, 워터핀치기술을 이용한 생태산업단지 내 기업간 용수 재이용망 최적화, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1165-1173 (2008.11.01)
3. 이원영, 김민한, 김영황, 이인범, 유창규, 가중유출수질지표를 이용한 활성오니공정모델의 민감도 분석과 매개변수 보정, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1174-1179 (2008.11.01), 제17회 과학기술우수논문상, 과학기술단체총연합회(과총), 인천송도 컨벤시아 (2009.07.07)
4. 김민한, 유창규, 실규모 하수처리공정에서 동력학적 동특성에 기반한 인공지능 모델링 및 예측기법, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 15(5), pp.555-561 (2009.5.01)
5. 김민정, 김민한, 김용수, 유창규, 하수처리장의 고도처리 upgrading 설계와 공정 최적화를 위한 다변량 통계분석, 화학공학 (2010.06) (accepted)
Name: Roberto Chang
- 2012.05 - 2017.10: ESPOL, Ecuador (BSc. Mining Engineering)
- 2021.03 ~ 2023. 08 (MSc, Environmental Engineering)
Current Position:
- Ph.D. student, 서울과학기술대학교
- 2023.9.1 ~ till date
Research Interest : AI/IAQ/Prediction Model/Sensor Validation/Reinforcement Learning/GIS/Remote Sensing
email :
Selected Publications:
Lecturer, National University of Civil Engineering, VietNam
tuanvietxda@gmail.comName: Viet Hoang
Position: Lecturer, National University of Civil Engineering, VietNam
2019.10 ~ till date:
- 2010.3 - 2015.3 : National University of Civil Engineering, VietNam (BSc Civil Engineering)
- 2017.9 -2019.8 : Kyung Hee University (MSc, Environmental Engineering)
Research Area: Environmental Engineering, Climate change and Big data, Energy and Big data, Energy System
Selected Publications:
1. Viet Hoang Tuan+, Pouya Ifaei+, Kijeon Nam, Jouan Rashidi, Soonho
Hwangbo*, Jong-Min Oh, ChangKyoo Yoo*,Optimal management of a hybrid renewable energy system coupled with a membrane bioreactor using enviro-economic and power pinch analyses for sustainable climate change adaption, Sustainability (SSCI/SCIE)
Schneider Electric Ltd
Current Position: Schneider Electric Ltd date : 2015 ~ till date Sahan Srinivas <> Previous Position: IBM Daksh Business, Process Service(P)Ltd, 2013-2015.
| |||
Research Area: Modeling, Monitoring, Optimization of Environmental Processes |
Selected Publications:
Srinivas Sahan Kolluri, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Prithvi Sai Nadh Garikiparthy, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, A two-stage optimization approach for the synthesis of resource conservation networks involving interception units, Chemical Engineering Research and Design(ISSN:0263-8762, SCI), Elsevier, 94(2), pp.52-71 (2015.02)
Srinivas Sahan Kolluri, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Prithvi Sai Nadh Garikiparthy, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Evaluation of Statistical analyses for monitoring and prediction of processes in a SWRO desalination plant, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp.- ()
경력 및 학력
학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2010.02
-연구논문(학위논문): 활성슬러지모델의 매개변수 추정을 위한 검정프로토콜 개발
-연구관심사 : "하수처리장 설계, 모델링 및 매개변수 최적화"
Current Position
- 주)한화 S&C, 서울시, 한화그룹 산하 SI company,
- 2009.12 ~ 현재
이원영, 김민한, 김영황, 이인범, 유창규, 가중유출수질지표를 이용한 활성오니공정모델의 민감도 분석과 매개변수 보정, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1174-1179 (2008.11.01), 제17회 과학기술우수논문상, 과학기술단체총연합회(과총), 인천송도 컨벤시아 (2009.07.07)
Domestic Journals
1. 이원영, 김민한, 김영황, 이인범, 유창규, 가중유출수질지표를 이용한 활성오니공정모델의 민감도 분석과 매개변수 보정, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1174-1179 (2008.11.01)
Domestic Conferences
1. 이원영, 김민한, 유창규, 김영황, 이인범, 활성오니공정모델(ASM1)의 주요변수의 민감도분석과 weighted effluent quality index기반 매개변수 추정, 대한상하수도학회 한국물환경학회 2007년 공동 추계학술발표회 논문집, 킨텍스, pp.1017-1021, (2007.11.21)
2. 이원영, 김민한, 유창규, 활성오니공정모델의 표준화된 매개변수 보정 프로토콜 개발, 한국화학공학회 2008년도 봄 학술대회, 제주 ICC, pp.127, (2008.4.23-25)
Honeywell, lobal industry, APC team, India (Expert Optimizer)
Position: Honeywell global industry, APC team as an Expert Optimizer, India
Education: · MSc. Degree: 2013.3-2015.2, Environmental Engineering, Kyung Hee Univ., Korea |
Research Area: Modeling, Monitoring, Control of Environmental Processes email: |
Srinivas Sahan Kolluri, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Prithvi Sai Nadh Garikiparthy, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, A two-stage optimization approach for the synthesis of resource conservation networks involving interception units, Chemical Engineering Research and Design(ISSN:0263-8762, SCI), Elsevier, 94(2), pp.52-71 (2015.02)
Position: Guangdong Angwei Environmental Protection Corp., China
Education: |
Research Area: Modeling, Monitoring, Control of Indoor air quality in buildings and underground |
Selected Publications:
Honglan Shi, MinJeong Kim, SeungChul Lee, SeHee Pyo, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Localized IAQ Monitoring for Indoor Pollutants’ Healthy Risk Assessment Using Sub-PCA Driven Model and Engineering Big Data, The Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE), Springer, (), pp.- ()
Name: Gabriel Alexis Jacome Aguirre
Current Position - Lecturer, T?CNICA DEL NORTE UNIVERSITY, 에콰도르 - 2018.04.02 ~ 현재 Location: Av. 17 de Julio 5-21 y Gral. Jos? Mar?a Cordova, Ibarra, Imbabura, Ecuador Telephone number: +593 6 2997-800
Activities: lecturer of 4 courses: Geology, Geomorphology, Geothermal energy I, and Geothermal energy II.
Research : The Laboratory of GIS, Ecological model wiht GIS, Climate change, Data analysis, Maximum Entropy Model
Education: · 2008. 9 ~ 2015. 6 Universidad Tecnica del Norte (BS - Renewable Natural Resources Engineering |
Research Area: - Ecological Modeling,Climate change, Data analysis, Maximum Entropy Model |
Selected Publications:
[1] Gabriel Jacome+, Wladimir Moya+, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Past current and future trends of red spiny lobster based on PCA with MaxEnt model in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Ecology and Evolution (ISSN: 2045-7758, SCIE, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3054), Elsevier, 7(13), pp. 4881-4890 (2017.7)
[2] Gabriel Jacome‡, Dongwoo Kim‡, SeungChul Lee, Wladimir Moya, KiJeon Nam, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Vulnerability assessment index at process-level for the identification of adaptive strategies in wastewater treatment plants under climate change, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE, DOI: ), Springer, 24(12), pp.3054-3066 (2017.12)
[3] Pouya Ifaei, Abdolreza Karbassi, Gabriel Jacome, ChangKyoo Yoo*, A systematic approach of bottom-up assessment methodology for an optimal design of hybrid solar/wind energy resources - Case study at middle east region, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN: 0196-8904, SCIE, IF=4.8, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 2 journal, DOI:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.04.097), Elsevier, 145(), pp.138-157 (2017.4)
[4] Gabriel Jacome, Carla Valarezo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Assessment of Water Quality Monitoring for the Optimal Sensor Placement in lake Yahuarcocha using Pattern Recognition Techniques and Geographical Information Systems, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment(EMAS) (ISSN:0167-6369, SCIE), Springer, 190(409), pp. 259-264 (2018.03)
[5] Gabriel J?come, Paulina Vilela, ChangKyoo Yoo, Social-ecological modelling of the spatial distribution of dengue fever and its temporal dynamics in Guayaquil, Ecuador for climate change adaption, Ecological Informatics (SCIE, ISSN:1574-9541) Elsevier, 49(), pp. 11-12 (2019.1)
Dr. A. Seshagiri Rao
- Position : Post-doctoral researcher at EMSEL lab. Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
- Period : 2009.06-2009.08
Current Position
- Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology (NIT), India
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli 620 015, India
Research Interests:
Publication Lists
1. MinHan Kim, A. Seshagiri Rao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Dual Optimization Strategy for N and P Removal in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(13), pp. 6363?6371 (2009.07.01)
2. S. Uma, M. Chidambaram, A. Seshagiri Rao, and ChangKyoo Yoo, Enhanced control of integrating cascade processes with time delays using modified Smith predictor, Chemical Engineering Science(ISSN: 0009-2509), 65(3), pp. 1065-1075 (2010.02.01)
3. S.Uma, A. Seshagiri Rao, and ChangKyoo Yoo, Parallel Cascade Control of Non-Self Regulating Processes Involving Time Delays, Canadian J. of Chemical Engineering, (2010) (accepted)
4. S.Uma, A. Seshagiri Rao, and ChangKyoo Yoo, Parallel cascade control strategy for an unstable continuous bioreactor, Submitted to Chemical Engineering Communications (2009)
Name: Wladimir Moya
Position: Ph.D student, Universidad De Los Lagos, Chile Education: 2006.10 ~ 2013.06. Army Polytechnic School (BS-Environmental Engineering) · 2015. 9 ~ 2017. 8. KyungHee University (MSc-Environmental Engineering) - 2018.03 ~ till date. Ph.D student, Universidad De Los Lagos, Chile |
Research Area:
- Ecological Modeling |
Selected Publications:
1. Wladimir Moya+, Gabriel Jacome+, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Past current and future trends of red spiny lobster based on PCA with MaxEnt model in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Ecology and Evolution (ISSN: 2045-7758, SCIE, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3054), Elsevier, 7(13), pp. 4881-4890 (2017.7) (Ack: 2015R1A2A2A11001120)
2. Qian Li+, Wladimir Moya+, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Jouan Rashidi and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Integration of reverse osmosis desalination with hybrid renewable energy sources and battery storage using electricity supply and demand-driven power pinch analysis, Process Safety and Environmental Protection Official journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part B (ISSN: 0957-5820, SCIE, DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2017.09.009) Elsevier, 111(), pp. 795?809 (2017.10)
3. Dongwoo Kim‡, Gabriel Jacome‡, SeungChul Lee, Wladimir Moya, KiJeon Nam, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Vulnerability assessment index at process-level for the identification of adaptive strategies in wastewater treatment plants under climate change, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 0256-1115, SCIE, DOI: ), Springer, 24(12), pp.3054-3066 (2017.12)
4. Seungchul Lee, Iman Janghorban Esfahani, Pouya Ifaei, Wladimir Moya, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Thermo-Environ-Economic Modeling and Optimization of an Integrated Wastewater Treatment Plant with a Combined Heat and Power Generation System, Energy Conversion and Management) (ISSN: 0196-8904, SCIE, IF=4.8, Top 5% journal ? THERMODYNAMICS: Rank 2 journal; DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2017.03.060), Elsevier, 142(), pp. 385-402 (2017.6)
Professor, the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia Dominic Foo
- Position : Workshop tutor
- Date: 2011.07-2011.07 (July 5 - July 7)
-Workshop : A Three-day Hands-on Course on Water, Hydrogen and Carbon Footprint Reduction Using Pinch Analysis" (공정산업에서 핀치분석기술을 이용한 용수, 수소, 그리고 탄소 footprint 저감 워크샵)
Current Position
- Professor, the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia
Tel: +60(3)8924-8130 (Off) Fax: +60(3)8924-8017
email : DOMINIC FOO <>
Ph.D in chemical engineering (2006), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
MEng in chemical engineering (2003), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
BEng in chemical engineering (2000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
-water pinch, water reuse
- process integration
1. Associate Member, Institution of Chemical Engineers <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">UK</st1:country-region></st1:place> (IChemE).
2. Member, Chinese American Chemical <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Society</st1:city>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">US</st1:country-region></st1:place> (CACS).
3. Corporate Member, Institution of Engineers, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">Malaysia</st1:country-region></st1:place> (IEM).
Publication List
- 70 publications in peer reviewed journals
Prof. Mingzhi Huang
- Position : Postdoctorial Reseracher, EMSEL lab., Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
- Period : 2011.06-2011
Current Position
- Associate Professor, South China University of Technology, Dept of Environmental Engineering, China
· 2005. 8. South China University of Technology(B. Tech, Environmental Engineering)
· 2007. 8. South China University of Technology(M.Tech, Environmental Engineering)
. 2010.8. South China University of Technology(PhD, Environmental Engineering)
- Environmental Modeling
Publication Lists
1. Mingzhi Huang, Yongwen Ma, Jinquan Wan, Huiping Zhang, Yan Wang, Yangmei Chen, ChangKyoo Yoo, Wenjie Guo, A hybrid genetic - Neural algorithm for modeling the biodegradation process of DnBP in AAO system, Bioresource Technology (ISSN: 0960-8524, SCI, Top 10% journal-Agricultural Engineering), 102(19), 8907-8913 (2011.10)
2. Huang Mingzhi, Chaohai Wei, Huiping Zhang, Jinquan Wan, Yan Wang, Yongwen Ma, Hongbin Liu, ChangKyoo Yoo, A GA-Based Neural Fuzzy System for Modeling a Paper Mill Wastewater Treatment Process, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH(SCI, issn: 0888-5885, IF=2.072), AMER CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2011.12.24)
* 2011년 6월부터 박사후연구원로 근무 중인 Huang박사가 중국 South China University of Technology(SCUT, 중국서부과기대)에 부교수 임용되었습니다.
- 대학 : South China University of Technology, Dept of Environmental Engineering
- 임용직급: 부교수 (Associate Professor)
- 임용일시 : 2012년 1월 1일
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Xiamen University, Malaysia Campus
Current Position - 2018.09 ~ 현재, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Xiamen University, Malaysia Campus
-Postdoc, 2018.01 ~ 2018.08, EMSEL, Kyung Hee University, Korea email : or
-Philosophy in Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of Nottingham in Malaysia Campus, August 2011
-Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of Nottingham in Malalysia Campus, December 2008
-Chemical Engineering: Second Class Upper University of Nottingham in Malaysia Campus, May 2007
Research Area:
1- Life Cycle Assessment of Nanocrystalline Cellulose derived from Oil Palm Biomass
2-CFD Analysis and Experimental Validation of Nanocrysalline Cellulose derived from Palm Oil Biomass
3- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Population Balance Modelling of Pharmaceutical Nanoemulsion synthesized under Acoustic Field
Prof. A. Sankararao Boddupalli
- Position : Research Professor, EMSEL lab., Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
- Period : 2010.05-2011.04
Current Position
- Associate Professor, GAYATRI VIDYA PARISHAD (GVP) University, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, GAYATRI VIDYA PARISHAD (GVP), College of Engineering, Affiliated to JNTU-Kakinada, India
· 2001. 6. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (B. Tech - Chemical Engineering)
· 2002. 12. Osmania University (M.Tech ? Chemical Engineering)
. 2006.12. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (PhD, Chemical engineering)
-Modeling, Simulation, optimization, data reconciliation and control of
chemical engineering processes, water supply network optimization
Publication Lists
1. Kim M.J., B. Sankararao and Yoo C.K., Determination of MBR Fouling and Chemical Cleaning Interval using Statistical Methods Applied on Dynamic Index Data, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: , SCI, Top 10% journal) (2011.04.01) (in press)
2. Sankararao and ChangKyoo Yoo, Development of a robust multi-objective simulated annealing (rMOSA) algorithm for solving multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems, I&ECR (2011.04) (accepted)
3. Hongbin Liu, MinJeong Kim, OnYu Kang, Sankararao B, JeongTai Kim, Jo-Chun Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Sensor Validation for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality in a Subway Station, Indoor and Built Environment(ISSN: 1420-326X, SCIE), pp. (2011.07) (accepted)
5. JungJin Lim, B. Sankararao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Gross Error Detection and Data Reconciliation of Wastewater Treatment Plant, Journal of Hazardous Materials (ISSN:, SCI