박사 과정 (AI+Environment/TEA/LCA/반도체/Decarbonization,QSAR,소프트센서, DAC/MOF/PSA/수소, Water자율설계
tkddbs5234@khu.ac.kr 0312012124김상윤, KIM SANG YOUN
Position: Ph.D. Student
- 2015.03 ~ 2019.02 KyungHee University (BS - Environmental Engineering)
- 2021.09 ~ 2023.08 KyungHee University (MSc - Environmental Engineering)
- 2023.09 ~ till date KyungHee University (Ph.D. - Environmental Engineering)
Research Area:환경시스템공학, 인공지능, 자율운전, Smart Data Analytics, AI/Big data application, Deep learning/Reinforcement Learning, 기술경제성평가(TEA), 환경전과정평가(LCA), 반도체/디스플레이 배기/그린, ESG, GIS-informed Model, DAC/MOF/PSA/CCS/H2 모델링(분자/포집/흡착/탈착/탄소/수소 in-house모델링), 신재생에너지와 바이오조류 에너지 전환 모델링 : 공정설계/최적계획/전과정 평가, Computational toxicology(TRANSFORMER, QSPR), TN소프트센서/Water자율설계
email: tkddbs5234@khu.ac.kr
Selected Publications:
1. SangYoun Kim, Shahzeb Tariq, Roberto Chang, Usama Ali, Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi, SungKu Heo**, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Explainable AI-driven high-fidelity IAQ prediction (HiFi-IAQ) model for subway stations: Spatiotemporal outdoor air quality interpolation using geographic data, Building and Environment (ISSN: 0360-1323, SCIE, Top 5% journal: Civil Eng.), Elsevier, 263(9), pp.111906. (2024.09)
2. SangYoun Kim*, Shahzeb Tariq*, SungKu Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Interpretable attention-based multi-encoder transformer based QSPR model for assessing toxicity and environmental impact of chemicals, Chemosphere(ISSN: 0045-6535, SCIE, IF 8.9/JCR TOP 12%), Elsevier, 350(2), pp.141086 (2024.02)
3. SangYoun Kim†, SungKu Heo†, KiJeon Nam†, TaeYong Woo and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Flexible renewable energy planning based on multi-step forecasting of interregional electricity supply and demand: Graph-enhanced AI approach, Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442, SCI, Top 5% journal - THERMODYNAMICS), Elsevier, 282(11), pp. 128858 (2023.11)
석박사 통합과정 (AI+Environment/MBR/Decarbonization(탈탄소)/LLM/Gen AI, TN소프트센서/Water자율설계
taeyong0209@gmail.com 0312012124Publication list (SCI/SCIE)
1. TaeYong Woo+ , KiJeon Nam+, SungKu Heo, Juin Yau Lim, SangYoun Kim, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Predictive maintenance system for membrane replacement time detection using AI-based functional profile monitoring: Application to a full-scale MBR plant, Journal of Membrane Science (ISSN: ISSN: 0376-7388, IF=8.7, JCR JCR Top 3.4%), 649(5), pp.120400 (2022.5) (Editor’s choice-Cover paper)
2. TaeYong Woo+, A.S. Tayerani Charmchi+, Pouya Ifaei+, SungKu Heo, KiJeon Nam, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Three energy self-sufficient networks of wastewater treatment plants developed by nonlinear bi-level optimization models in Jeju Island, Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN:0959-6526, SCIE, Top 10% journal:Engineering Civil), Elsevier, 379(11), pp.134465 (2022.11)
박사과정 (AI+Environment/안전/반도체/QSAR/Decarbonization(탈탄소)/AD소화조제어/TN소프트센서/Water자율설계, Resilient 환경시스템
ironwoman98@khu.ac.kr 031-201-2124Name: 정찬혁, JEONG CHAN HYEOK
Positions: Ph. D. Student
- 2017.03 ~ 2023. 02 KyungHee University (BS – Environmental Engineering)
- 2023.03 ~ 2025. 02 KyungHee University (MSc – Environmental Engineering)
- 2025.03 ~ till date KyungHee University (Ph. D. – Environmental Engineering)
Research Area: 환경시스템공학, 자율운전, Software, Smart Data Analytics, Environmental Informatics, AI-Autonomous operation system, Artificial Intelligence for Environment System, Deep reinforcement learning-based monitoring, control and optimization, QSAR/Risk assessment, Dynamic programming, Iterative PID control, Advanced control, LCA, 반도체/디스플레이 배기/그린/안전, AD소화조제어/TN소프트센서/Water자율설계, Resilient 환경시스템, AD소화조 제어/TN_TP소프트센서/Water자율설계
Selected Publications:
1. SungKu Heo, Jaerak Ko , SangYoun Kim, Chanhyeok Jeong, Soonho Hwangbo**, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Explainable AI-driven net-zero carbon roadmap for petrochemical industry considering stochastic scenarios of remotely sensed offshore wind energy, Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN:0959-6526, SCIE, Top 10% journal:Engineering Civil), 379(2), pp.134793 (2022.12)
2. ChanHyeok Jeong, SungKu Heo**, TaeYong Woo , SangYoun Kim, and ChangKyoo Yoo* AI-driven ventilation control policy proximal optimization coupled with dynamic-informed real-time model calibration for 6 healthy and sustainable indoor PM2.5 management, Energy and Buildings (ISSN: 0378-7788, JCR TOP10% journal), Elsevier,323(11), pp. 114786(2024.11)
3. TaeYong Woo, SangYoon Kim, ChanHyeok Jeong, SungKu Heo**, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Membrane-informed multi-mechanistic predictive maintenance for MBR plants: Early determination of membrane cleaning with biologically driven, physically deposited, and chemically induced fouling model, Desalination (ISSN:0011-9164, SCI, Top 5% journal - Water Resource), Elsevier, 594(01), pp.118263 (2025.1) (Ack 1개: NRF2021중견연구)
1. 심예림+, 이나희+, 정찬혁, 허성구, 김상윤, 남기전, 유창규*, 첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(I): e-ASM 모델 개발과 Digital Simulation 구현 (Water Digital Twin for high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment system (I): e-ASM development and digital simulation implementation, Clean Technology(청정기술) (ISSN:1598-9712, 한국연구재단 등재학술지), (), - (Ack: NRF2021-중견연구) (2022.1)
2. 허성구+, 정찬혁+, 이나희, 심예림, 우태용, 김정인, 유창규*, 첨단 전자산업 폐수처리시설의 Water Digital Twin(II): e-ASM 모델 보정, 수질 예측, 공정 선택과 설계 (Water Digital Twin for high-tech electronics industrial wastewater treatment system (II): e-ASM model calibration, effluent prediction, process selection, and design, Clean Technology(청정기술) (ISSN:1598-9712, 한국연구재단 등재학술지), (), - (Ack: NRF2021-중견연구) (2022.1)
3. 정찬혁*, 김상윤*, 허성구, Shahzeb Tariq, 신민혁, 유창규*, 3D 프린팅 소재 화학물질의 독성 예측을 위한 Data-centric XAI 기반 분자 구조 data imputation과 QSAR 모델 개발 (Data-centric XAI-driven Data Imputation of Molecular Structure and QSAR Model for Toxicity Prediction of 3D Printing Chemicals), Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK) (ISSN: 0304-128X, 학진등재/Scopus), 61(4), pp.523-541 (2023.11)
박사 과정 (AI+Environment/다채널수질센서/소프트센서)
Position: 박사과정, Ph.D. student
학사 : 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과, 2008.02
석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 2010.02
박사: 2020.3 ~ till date. KyungHee University, Environmental Eng., Ph. D. student
Research Area: TBD, 환경시스템, 하수처리장모델링/최적화, 상수관망, GIS, 총질소/총인 소프트센서, AI응용
E-mail: 83mhkim@gmail.com
Publication list (SCI/SCIE)
1. MinHan Kim, A. Seshagiri Rao, ChangKyoo Yoo, Dual Optimization Strategy for N and P Removal in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(13), pp. 6363?6371 (2009.07.01)
2. Min-Han Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Multivariate monitoring for time-derivative non-Gaussian batch process, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), pp.947-954 (2008.09.30)
3. M.H. Kim, Y.S. Kim, A. A. Prabu and C.K. Yoo, A Systematic Approach of Data-Driven Modeling and Soft Sensing in a Full-scale Plant, Water Science and Technology, 60(2), pp.363-370 (2009.08.01)
4. ChangKyoo Yoo and MinHan Kim, Industrial experience of process identification and set-point decision algorithm in a full-scale treatment plant, J. Environmental Management, 90(8), pp.2823-2830 (2009.11.01)
5. Y.S. Kim, M.H. Kim, C.K. Yoo, A New Statistical Framework for Parameter Subset Selection and Optimal Parameter Estimation in the Activated Sludge Model, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2010.07) (in press)
6. MinHan Kim, YoungSu Kim, JungJin Lim, Jeung-Tae Kim, SuWhan Sung and ChangKyoo Yoo, Data-Driven Prediction Model of Indoor Air Quality in an Underground Space, Korean J. of Chemical Engineering, , 28(1), pp. -, (2011.01.01)
7. Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi, SungKu Heo, Hanaa Aamer, Roberto Chang, TaeYong Woo, MinHan Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Development of transparent high-frequency soft sensor of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations in rivers using stacked convolutional auto-encoder and explainable AI, Journal of Water Process Engineering (ISSN: 2214-7144, SCIE, JCR TOP 10%: Water Resources), Elsevier, (), pp. (2023.3)
Domestic Journals
1. 김민한, 유창규, 모델링 기법을 이용한 하폐수처리 공정 설계와 환경성 및 경제성 평가, 화학공학, 46(3), pp.610-618 (2008.06.30)
2. 김용수, 김현주, 이인범, 유창규, 워터핀치기술을 이용한 생태산업단지 내 기업간 용수 재이용망 최적화, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1165-1173 (2008.11.01)
3. 이원영, 김민한, 김영황, 이인범, 유창규, 가중유출수질지표를 이용한 활성오니공정모델의 민감도 분석과 매개변수 보정, 제어×로봇×시스템공학 논문지, 14(11), pp.1174-1179 (2008.11.01), 제17회 과학기술우수논문상, 과학기술단체총연합회(과총), 인천송도 컨벤시아 (2009.07.07)
4.김민한, 유창규, 실규모 하수처리공정에서 동력학적 동특성에 기반한 인공지능 모델링 및 예측기법, 제어×로봇
Name: 송희주,
Positions: MSc Student (석사 과정)
-학사: 세종대학교 에너지환경공학과 졸업 (2021. 02), 취업(~23.07)
-석사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, Integrated Engineering, 2023.09 ~ till date
Research Area: 환경시스템공학, 아나목스/소화조 모델링/제어/최적화, 소화조 리트로핏/upcycling/기술경제성평가(TEA), 전과정평가(LCA), Decarbonization(탈탄소)
In-coming Assistant Professor, Dong Kuk University
shahzebtariq@gmail.comName: Mohammad Moosazadeh
Name: Ghorbani Vahid
Position: Combined student of MSc-Ph.D
Research Interest: Smart Systems/ Machine Learning/ Digital Twin/ Reinforcement Learning/ Data Science
email: vahidg38@gmail.com
- 2014.09 – 2020.09: AmirKabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), (BSc.) Computer Engineering, Iran
(BSc Thesis: Real-Time Car License Plate Recognition in Smart Parking Syste)
- 2022.03 ~ till date: KyungHee University (MS/PhD combined - Integrated Engineering@ Dept of Applied Environment)
Ph.D. Student
isybay@gmail.comResearch Interests: AI + X (Energy, Environment, …), Data Science, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotic Process Automation, Software Engineering
BSc Project: Advantages of Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) over Critical Path Method (CPM) in Project Planning
MSc Thesis: Pricing and Managing Swing Options in Energy Market
• 2022 – till date: Ph.D. in Integrated Engineering [AI + X], EMSEL, KyungHee University
Combined student of MSc-Ph.D
usamaabro2@gmail.comResearch Interest: Smart Systems/ Machine Learning/ Digital Twin/ Reinforcement Learning/Data Science
- 2016.02 – 2020.11: (BE) Electronics Engineering IQRA University Karachi, Pakistan
Bachelors Thesis: Foldimate (cloth folding and pressing machine) and AI based humanoid Robot
- 2022.09 ~ till date: KyungHee University (MS/PhD combined - Integrated Engineering @ Dept of Applied Environment)
Ph.D. Student
Kiannejad.mahmoud@gmail.comResearch interest:
Nanomaterials, Nanofluid, Nanoscience, Wastewater, Environmental, Modeling, Optimization
- 2015.09 – 2018.12, University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran, Behshahr, Iran (Master of Chemical Engineering)
- 2010.09 – 2014.09, Shomal University, Amol, Iran (Bachelor of Chemical Engineering)
Selected Publications:
1. Mahmoud Kiannejad Amiri, Seyed Peiman Ghorbanzade Zaferani, Mohammad Reza Sarmasti Emami, Sasan Zahmatkesh, Ramin Pourhanasa, Sina Sadeghi Namaghi, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Awais Bokhari, Mostafa HajiaghaeiKeshteli, Multi-objective optimization of thermophysical properties GO powders-DW/EG Nf by RSM, NSGA-II, ANN, MLP and ML, Energy (ISSN: 1873-6785, Volume 280, 1 October 2023, 128176)
2. Mahmoud Kiannejad Amiri, Sasan Zahmatkesh, Mohammad Reza Sarmasti Emami, Awais Bokhari, Curve fitting model of Polycarbonate Al2O3-nanoparticle membranes for removing emerging contaminants from wastewater: Effect of temperature and nanoparticles, Chemosphere (ISSN: 1879-1298, Volume 322, May 2023, 138184)
3. Seyed Peiman Ghorbanzade Zaferani, Mahmoud Kiannejad Amiri, Ali Akbar
Amooey, Computational AI to predict and optimize the relationship between dye removal efficiency and Gibbs free energy in the adsorption process utilizing TiO2/chitosan-polyacrylamide composite, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (ISSN: 0141-8130), (Volume 264, Part 2, April 2024, 130738)
4. Seyed Peiman Ghorbanzade Zaferani, Mahmoud Kiannejad Amiri, Mohammad Reza Sarmasti Emami, Sasan Zahmatkesh, Mostafa HajiaghaeiKeshteli, Hitesh Panchal, Prediction and optimization of sustainable fuel cells behavior using artificial intelligence algorithms, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (ISSN: 1879-3487), (Volume 52, Part D, 2 January 2024, Pages 746-766)
PhD Student
- 2018.09 ~ 2021.02 Isfahan University of Technology (Master’s Degree: Process Design, Chemical engineering)
- 2014.09 ~ 2018.07 Semnan University (Bachelor's Degree: Chemical engineering)
Selected Publications:
1. Farahmandpour, R., Karimi, K., Denayer, J.F. and Shafiei, M., 2022. Innovative biorefineries for cleaner waste textile management towards circular economy: Techno-economic analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, p.134500.