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[Usman통합, DWT논문] Trigeneration sys 전력-냉방-용수 시스템 평가
  • 관리자
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  • 387
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  • 2019-12-09


Hi all,


Im happy to inform you that Usmans paper has been accepted in DWT journal.


Congratulation for Usman paper.

 Title: Feasibility study and performance assessment of a new tri-generation integrated system for power, cooling, and freshwater production


Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment(DWT)

새로운 tri-generation system(전력-냉방-용수 생산) 평가 연구 

이전글 2019년도 공정합성 워크샵(PI for Waste Minimization)
다음글 [Ifaei박사,J.Cleaner P. JCR10%] 기후변화적응 논문(JCLP)