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[Dr.임준요 박사, Science of Total Env./JCR10%] 폐 플라스틱별 지속가능관리 로드맵-국가정책 (Rethinking of plastic waste management: A multi-nation scale)
  • 관리자
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  • 270
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  • 2023-04-08


EMSEL연구실 논문 소식입니다.

올 2월 연구실에서 박사학위를 취득한 임준요 박사와 공동연구자 호주 모나쉬대학 Adrian박사 그리고 말레이지아 How 박사 논문이 Science of the Total Environment (STOLEN, IF=10.7; TOP10%) 게재되었습니다축하합니다.


논문주제 : 폐 플라스틱별  처리 방법 최적화 (E3 aspect) 및 국가간​ 폐프라스틱 처리/관리를 위한 미래 지속가능한 로드맵 전환 : 국가별 플라스틱 관리 정책 제시


Hi all,

I'm happy to inform you that Dr. im/Dr.Loy/Dr.How's paper has been published in Science of the Total Environment (IF=10.7, JCR Top10% journal).

Topics : Roadmap for plastic waste management : Economic-Environment-Energy analysis of 4 plastic --> nationalwide plastic manage policy guidance

Keywords: Global plastic treatment network, Energy, Environmental, PESTLE, P-graph, Ansys Granta EduPack

Adrian Chun Minh Loy+, Juin Yau Lim+, Bing Shen How+,*, Chung Loong Yiin, Serene Sow Mun Lock, Lam Ghai Lim, Hatem Alhamzi**, ChangKyoo Yoo*,Rethinking of the future sustainable paradigm roadmap for plastic waste management: A multi-nation scale outlook compendium, Science of The Total Environment (ISSN: 0048-9697, SCI , IF= 10.7, JCR TOP 10%:Environment Science), Elsevier, 881(7), pp.163458​ (2023.7) (Acknow 3개: NRF2021 & Australian Government Research Training Program & 말레이지아 FRGS2021)



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보낸사람: Dimitra A. Lambropoulou 
Date: 2023년 4월 8일 (토) 오후 4:34
Subject: Your Submission
To: ChangKyoo Yoo <></>

Ms. Ref. No.: STOTEN-D-22-32976R1
Title: Rethinking of the future sustainable paradigm roadmap for plastic waste management: A multi-nation scale outlook compendium 
Journal: Science of the Total Environment  

Dear JiwonSion,  

I am pleased to inform you that your paper "Rethinking of the future sustainable paradigm roadmap for plastic waste management: A multi-nation scale outlook compendium" has been accepted for publication in STOTEN and forwarded to the publishers.

Why not submit your tailored methods to MethodsX? The new open access journal publishes the tweaks you make to methods without the article padding, so you can get the credit for the time and effort you have put into making a method work for you.<wbr>methodsX

Your accepted manuscript will now be transferred to our production department and work will begin on creation of the proof. If we need any additional information to create the proof, we will let you know. If not, you will be contacted again in the next few days with a request to approve the proof and to complete a number of online forms that are required for publication.

For any production related questions please contact Pallavi Das(Journal Manager) at There is no need to contact the editors.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review your article.  

We appreciate and value your contribution to Science of the Total Environment. We regularly invite authors of recently published manuscript to participate in the peer review process. If you were not already part of the journal's reviewer pool, you have now been added to it. We look forward to your continued participation in our journal, and we hope you will consider us again for future submissions. 


Dimitra A. Lambropoulou, Dr 
Associate Editor 
Science of the Total Environment  

Comments from the Editor: 

Reviewer #1: The response of the comments are satisfactory.

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