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[Online lecture site] Python-based Mathematical optimization (Python기반 수학적 최적화 온라인 강좌: 독일 아헨공대 강좌)
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  • 88
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  • 2023-12-21

Python​기반 수학적 최적화 온라인 강좌: 독일 아헨공대 강좌​ : 12월 21일 강좌 시작..

[Online lecture site] Python​ based Mathematical optimization lecture  




I'd like to do useful coursework for mathematical optimization, by Prof. Mitsos (Aachen Germany, former MIT professor).

Best wishes,





Optimization for Engineers

4.3 stars
9 ratings

Learn the mathematical and computational basics for applying optimization successfully. Master the different formulations and the important concepts behind their solution methods. Learn to implement and solve optimization problems in Python through the practical exercises. 

이전글 [Prof. Yoo/Guest editor] Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR, IF 5.7), SI of CHEMEEE conference
다음글 [Usman박사, Energy/JCR5%] Biomass와 flue gas 그린수소 및 메탄올 합성 통합공정 기술경제성평가 (biomass to e-methanol/H2 production (flue gases) ==>TEA/LCA)