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[CMEE,국제학회] 3rd CMEE 학회 논문 2편 발표 (MOF-AI, Generative AI Fuel Cell)
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  • 275
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  • 2024-02-25


베트남에서 열린 국제학회인 3rd CMEE에서 연구실에서 논문 2편 발표했습니다. 좋은 저널에 Special issue를 기대하면서..

새로운 연구 주제 : MOF structure screening by XAI
새로운 연구 주제 : Generative AI based flow type design : 연료전지 생성 AI 반응기 구조 설계

Paper 1: ​ Chemical-guided AI screening of functional structure of MOFs for hydrogen storage​, Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi,​ Collaboratioh with IIPE, India
Paper 2: ​ Generative AI-assisted functional design of PEMFC flow field channel for the flooding issue,Dr. Juin Yau Lim​, Collaboratioh with Korea Univ.

-Abdulrahman H. Ba-Alawi, Sridhar Palla, Seshagiri Rao Ambati, JiYoon Yang, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Chemical-guided screening of functional structure of MOFs for hydrogen storage: An explainable deep attention autoencoder model, 3 rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CARBON & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (CMEE), pp.71 , Poster Presentation, DaNang, Vietnam (2024.02.21-23) (Ack 3개, NRF 2021R1A2C2007838), BK21, 중기청S3301144)

-Juin Yau Lim, Wai Yin Wong, SangYoun Kim, ChangKyoo Yoo*​, Generative AI-assisted functional design of PEMFC flow field channel for the flooding issue,  pp.72 , Poster Presentation, DaNang, Vietnam (2024.02.21-23)  (Ack 3개, NRF 2021R1A2C2007838), BK21, 중기청S3301144)


이전글 [축: Shahzeb통합,ChemEEE2024 best paper award] 흐름 배터리 모델링 및 AI제어(Flow Bettery- AI prediction and control)
다음글 [Youtube] Generative Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Process Engineering