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[Shahzeb학생, Sust Cities Soc./IF=10.6 JCR2%] 미세먼지센서 미설치/센서오류 지역 공기질 모니터링 및 건강위해성 예측(Distance adaptive Graph Convolutional Network알고리즘)
  • 관리자
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  • 333
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  • 2023-02-03

Hi all,

I'm happy to inform you that Integrated MSc-Ph.D student: Shahzeb Tariq's paper (w/ SangYun) has been published at Sustainable Cities and Society (SCI, IF=10.6, JCR 2%-Construction and Building).

Congratulations for this great journal publication.

Please show your congratulations to Shahzeb​ and SangYun.


- Shahzeb Tariq+, Shahroz Tariq+, SangYoun Kim, Simon S. Woo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Distance adaptive graph convolutional gated network-based smart air quality monitoring and health risk prediction in sensor-devoid urban areas, Sustainable Cities and Society(ISSN: 2210-6707, SCI, Top 3% journal Construction and Building), Elsevier, 91(4), pp.104445 (2023.4)​ (2023.4) (Ack 4개:NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838 & 철기연과제 ​21QPPW-B152306-03 & SKKU과제 2개 사사)

- Collaboration : Dr. Shahroz Tariq (Data61, Australia​), Prof. Simon S. Woo (Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan Univ.).

** ​Distance adaptive graph convolutional gated network-based smart air quality monitoring and health risk prediction in sensor-devoid urban areas

** missing/faulty sensor measurements : imputation --> Actual and predicted CAI levels at sensor-less city areas ==> sustainable monitoring)


Shahzeb ​석박사통합 과정 학생 논문이 Sustainable Cities and Society 저널 (SCI,  IF=10.6, JCR 2%​ journal Construction and Building)에 출판되었습니다 (공동저자 : 김상윤, Shahroz Tariq박사:호주 Data61, Simon S. Woo 교수:성균관대 컴퓨터공학과).

- 연구주제 : Distance adaptive Graph Convolutional Network을 이용한 미세먼지센서 오류시/미설치 지역​의 공기질 모니터링 및 건강위해성 예측 (수원시 미세먼지 측정소와 미측정소)

김상윤 학생과 특허 출원 예정입니다.

Shahzeb학생이 EMSEL 7번째 제1 저자 JCR5%/10% 논문으로 Top2% 저널 논문 게재 축하합니다.

계속해서 좋은 논문 준비 중으로 올해 좋은 실적을 기대합니다.





Manuscript Number: SCSI-D-22-04894R1  

Distance adaptive graph convolutional gated network-based smart air quality monitoring and health risk prediction in sensor-devoid urban areas  

Dear Professor Yoo,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Sustainable Cities and Society. 

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication.   

My comments, and any reviewer comments, are below.     
Your accepted manuscript will now be transferred to our production department. We will create a proof which you will be asked to check, and you will also be asked to complete a number of online forms required for publication. If we need additional information from you during the production process, we will contact you directly.

We appreciate you submitting your manuscript to Sustainable Cities and Society and hope you will consider us again for future submissions.

We encourage authors of original research papers to share the research objects – including raw data, methods, protocols, software, hardware and other outputs – associated with their paper. More information on how our open access Research Elements journals can help you do this is available at<wbr>authors/tools-and-resources/<wbr>research-elements-journals?<wbr>dgcid=ec_em_research_elements_<wbr>email.

Kind regards,   
Fariborz HAGHIGHAT   

Sustainable Cities and Society

Editor and Reviewer comments:

Reviewer #1: My points have all been properly addressed and the Authors have improved the manuscript in this revised version. In my opinion, this paper is now ready to be published on Sustainable Cities and Society.

Reviewer #2: The authors have addressed to issues properly. 



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