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[김상윤 박사과정, Chemosphere, IF8.8/JCR12%] Interpretable S-2Transformer기반 structure–property relationship (QSPR) 모델링
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  • 2023-12-29


Hi emsel,

I am pleased to inform you that emsel member SangYoun (Ph.D student)​/Shahzeb (Ph.D. candidate) and Dr. Heo's paper has been accepted for publication in Chemosphere (IF=8.8, JCR 12%). Famous journal in chemicals in the environment​ & Environmental Chemistry.

- Explainable multi-encoder S2T transformer model for structure–property relationship (QSPR)  

-Keywords: Multi-encoder transformer structure; Attention mechanism; Quantitative structure-activity/property 35 relationship; Molecular descriptor; SMILES  


Please give your big hands to SY/Shahzeb and Dr. Heo. A patent will be applied soon (SY).

Congratulation indeed.


 김상윤 박사과정 학생과 Shahzeb통합과정 그리고 허성구 박사 논문이 Chemosphere(ISSN: 0045-6535​, SCIE, IF8.8/JCR TOP 12%)저널에 게재 승인되었습니다.

Deep learning중  Explainable multi-encoder S2T​ransformer기반 PCB/EDC 유해화학물질 물성치 예측 모델 및 평가 (structure–property relationship (QSPR)  

1) input​: SMILES and molecular descriptors 

2) model: attention-based S2T-transformer model framework for modeling the relationship between the molecular structure and toxicity of hazardous chemicals 

3) output: predict Log Kow/Koc, BCF using S2T-transformer model (설명가능 weight attention 기능).

Chemosphere저널은 환경화학(Environmental Chemistry​)분야 좋은 저널중 하나로 Chemosphere​ 저널논문 게재 축하합니다. 

다양한 유해화학물질 물성치 및 추후 위해성 평가 예측에 사용가능하며 곧 특허출원 예정입니다. 축하합니다.


 SangYoun Kim*, Shahzeb Tariq*, SungKu Heo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Interpretable attention-based multi-encoder transformer based QSPR model for assessing toxicity and environmental impact of chemicals, Chemosphere(ISSN: 0045-6535SCIE, IF 8.9/JCR TOP 12%), Elsevier,, Elsevier, 350(2), pp.141086 (2024.02) (Ack 3: BK21, CC graduate school, 2021R1A2C2007838)






---------- Forwarded message ---------

보낸사람: Chemosphere 
Date: 2023년 12월 29일 (금) 오후 5:54
Subject: CHEM127126R1 - Editor decision - accepted
To: ChangKyoo Yoo <></>

Dear Professor Yoo,

I am pleased to inform you that the manuscript "Interpretable attention-based multi-encoder transformer based QSPR model for assessing toxicity and environmental impact of chemicals" (Professor ChangKyoo Yoo) has now been accepted by the editor for publication.


What happens next?

  1. Our production department will create a proof of your article, which will be shared with you for approval.
  2. We will send you a link to your post-acceptan


이전글 [Usman박사, Energy/JCR5%] Biomass와 flue gas 그린수소 및 메탄올 합성 통합공정 기술경제성평가 (biomass to e-methanol/H2 production (flue gases) ==&gt;TEA/LCA)
다음글 [New Career, Dr. Usman] Research Fellow@University College Dublin, Ireland, 우스만 박사 아일랜드 UCD 연구소 이직