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[김상윤 박사과정, Energy/JCR5%(첫 주저자)] 하이브리드 신재생에너지 planning Graph AI 예측모델/Flexible renewable energy planning -Graph AI model
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  • 2023-08-22

[김상윤 박사과정,허성구 통합​, (첫 주저자) Energy/JCR5%] 하이브리드 신재생에너지 planning Graph AI 예측모델/Flexible renewable energy planning -Graph AI model

Hi all,

I'm happy to inform you that Ph.D student SangYoun KimSungKu Heo​ Dr. Nam(a former EMSEL Ph.D, now Samsung Electronics) and a combined MSc-Ph.D students: TaeYong Woo​'s paper has been published at Energy (SCI, IF=8.8, Top 5% journal – ENGINEERING, THERMODYNAMICS).

Congratulations for this outstanding journal publication.

Please show your congratulations to SangYoun Kim​​. Remind that this is his 1st & first author SCI paper (furthermore, JCR TOP 5% journal) 

SangYoun Kim, SungKu Heo, KiJeon Nam, TaeYong Woo and ChangKyoo*, Flexible renewable energy planning based on multi-step forecasting of interregional electricity supply and demand: Graph-enhanced AI approach, Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442, SCI, Top 5% journal - THERMODYNAMICS), Elsevier, 282(11), pp. 128858 (2023.011) (Ack 2NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838, BK21)


박사과정 김상윤 학생 (첫 주저자 논문) 과 허성구 통합과정, 졸업생 남기전 박사 논문이  Energy 저널 (SCI, IF=8.8, Top 5% journal  ENGINEERING, THERMODYNAMICS) 게재 승인 되었습니다 (공동저자: 우태용 통합과정)

-연구 주제 : Graph AI기반 전기공급 및 수요 예측모델 그리고 신재생에너지 flexible planning  (제주도케이스: 전력 생산 및 신재생에너지 공급 : 하이브리드 신재생에너지)


시스템 및 열역학 분야  (JCR TOP 5%, IF >8.8) 좋은 저널임.

 저널이 김상윤 박사과정 학생 박사 공부 시작에 motification  것으로 예상합니다.


---------- Forwarded message ---------

보낸사람: Energy 
Date: 2023년 8월 22일 (화) 오전 10:23
Subject: Your Submission
To: ChangKyoo Yoo <>

Ms. Ref. No.: EGY-D-23-01128R1
Title: Flexible renewable energy planning based on multi-step forecasting of interregional electricity supply and demand: Graph-enhanced AI approach

Dear Professor Yoo,

I am pleased to inform you that your paper "Flexible renewable energy planning based on multi-step forecasting of interregional electricity supply and demand: Graph-enhanced AI approach" has been accepted for publication in Energy.

"What happens next?

1. Our production department will create a proof of your article, which will be shared with you for approval.
2. We will send you a link to your post-acceptance online author forms. These forms include the publishing agreement for you to complete as well as confirming whether your article is to be published open access or subscription. We kindly request you complete the forms as soon as possible upon receipt of the link.

If we need any further information from you during the typesetting process, we will let you know.

For further information about the proofing process, please click this link:<wbr>app/answers/detail/a_id/6007/<wbr>p/10592/supporthub/publishing/<wbr>related/ "

We appreciate and value your contribution to Energy. We regularly invite authors of recently published manuscript to participate in the peer review process. If you were not already part of the journal's reviewer pool, you have now been added to it. We look forward to your continued participation in our journal, and we hope you will consider us again for future submissions.

Include interactive data visualizations in your publication and let your readers interact and engage more closely with your research. Follow the instructions here:<wbr>authors/author-services/data-<wbr>visualization to find out about available data visualization options and how to include them with your article.

Thank you very much for expressing your interest in ENERGY.


Xue-Chao Wang
Managing Guest Editor

Comments to Authors:

Reviewer #1: My comments have been adequately addressed and I have no further comments.

Reviewer #2: After reviewing new version of the paper, I belive it should be accepted for pbulication as all requested corrections have been made and all ambiguities have been clarified. 

manuscript is accepted, your Data in Brief submission will automatically be transferred to Data in Brief for editorial review and publication. 

이전글 [Abdul 학생, JCLP/JCR8%] 하이브리드 재생에너지 multicarrier기반 전력/냉방/난방/정수 공급 system 및 Reliable self-scheduling multicarrier system (재생에너지 또는 수소 최적 운전 스케줄링:화석연료 제로)
다음글 [에너지-환경 초청세미나] 김민한 팀장/오태석 Leader (최신 환경센서 개발/AMX 현장 적용 실증)