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[Mohammad박사과정 논문, ECM,JCR TOP3%/IF10] Flare-to-Hydrogen TEA feasibility(석유산업 배가스-수소생산 기술경제성평가: 탈탄소 & 넷제로)
  • 관리자
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  • 224
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  • 2023-11-24

Good news 

EMSEL Ph.D student, Mohammad Moosazadeh;s's paper has been published at Energy Conversion and Management​  (JCR TOP3%, IF 10) , Coauthor: Dr. Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi, Dr. ​Pouya Ifaei, Prof. Vahid Taghikhani(The University of St.Thomas, Houston​), Prof. ​Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo(University of Oklahoma​).

Congratulation Mohammand for this great journal acceptance as an EMSEL Ph.D. student). Plan to apply a patent with SY..

-Keywords: Enhanced oil recovery; Flare-to-Hydrogen; Global feasibility study; Net-negative alternative; Techno-economic study;

연구실 Mohammad​ 박사과정 학생 논문이  Energy Conversion and Management​ (JCR TOP3%/IF10)저널에 게재승인되었습니다. 국제공동연구 (휴스톤 St. 토마스대학, 오클라호마 대학)

석유산업 배가스-수소생산 기술경제성평가: 탈탄소 & 넷제로 연구 내용입니다. 

JCR TOP 3% 저널도 좋은 저널에 게재 축하합니다. 다음에는 EES나 Nature sister journal을 기대합니다. 방학떄 김상윤학생과 특허 출원 예정..

​-탈탄소,넷제로,배가스-수소생산, CCU/EOR,기술경제성평가

Mohammad Moosazadeh, Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi, Pouya Ifaei, Vahid Taghikhani, Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo, ChangKyoo Yoo*, Flare-to-Hydrogen in Oil and Gas Industries: Techno-Economic Feasibility of a Net-Negative Alternative, Energy Conversion and Management (ISSN: 0196-8904, JCR TOP 2% journal), Elsevieer, 300(1), pp.117926​ (2024.01) (Ack 2: 중견과제NRF-2021R1A2C2007838, BrainPool(2019H1D3A1A02071051)




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보낸사람: Energy Conversion and Management 
Date: 2023년 11월 23일 (목) 오후 9:16
Subject: Acceptance of Paper No. ECM-D-23-07594R2 submitted to Energy Conversion & Management
To: ChangKyoo Yoo <></>


Manuscript No.: ECM-D-23-07594R2
Title: Flare-to-Hydrogen in Oil and Gas Industries: Techno-Economic Feasibility of a Net-Negative Alternative
Article Type: Original research paper
Corresponding Author: Professor ChangKyoo Yoo
All Authors: Mohammad Moosazadeh; AAmir Saman Tayerani Charmchi; Pouya Ifaei; Vahid Taghikhani; Rouzbeh G. Moghanloo; ChangKyoo Yoo
Submit Date: Oct 01, 2023

Dear Professor Yoo,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper Flare-to-Hydrogen in Oil and Gas Industries: Techno-Economic Feasibility of a Net-Negative Alternative has been accepted for publication in Energy Conversion and Management

이전글 [특강:삼성엔지니어링 황재동 수석] 폐수 재이용 공정 설계 (UF-RO 막 설계)
다음글 [뉴스] 산업단지 물 부족의 떠오르는 해결책, 하수 재이용