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[임준요 박사, Env. Pollution/JCR11%] 산업배기가스 NOx/SOx/PM AI기반 BAT처리 자율 설계: Smart Solutions for Clean Air by AI-Guided Approach​​
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  • 2023-08-07


EMSEL연구실 논문 소식입니다.

올 2월 연구실에서 박사학위를 취득한 임준요 박사, 허성구 박사과정와 공동연구자 네덜란드 Teng박사, 그리고 말레이지아 How 교수, 호주 모나쉬대학 Adrian박사​, 말레이지아 Show교수 논문​이 Environmental Pollution (IF=8, JCR Top 11 % journal) 게재되었습니다축하합니다

특허 출원 예정 (JuinYau,허성구 박사과정)


논문주제 : 산업배기가스 NOx/SOx/PM 처리를 위한 AI기반 Best Available Technology 자율 설계: Smart Solutions for Clean Air by AI-Guided Approach


Hi all,

I'm happy to inform you that Dr. im/Dr.Teng/Dr.How's paper has been published in Environmental Pollution (IF=8.9, JCR Top10.2 % journal).

Topics : Smart Solutions for Clean Air: An AI-Guided Approach to Sustainable Industrial Pollution Control in Coal-Fired Power Plant 


Keywords: Global plastic treatment network, Energy, Environmental, PESTLE, P-graph, Ansys Granta EduPack 


Juin Yau Lim, Sin Yong Teng, Bing Shen How, Adrian Chun Minh Loy, SungKu Heo, Jeroen Jansen, Pau Loke Show, Chang Kyoo Yoo*, Smart Solutions for Clean Air: An AI-Guided Approach to Sustainable Industrial Pollution Control in Coal-Fired Power Plant, Environmental Pollution (ICR Top10.2 % journal, ISSN:0269-7491), Elsevier, 335(10), pp.122335​ (Ack 3개: 2021R1A2C2007838​, CC Graduate School​, Dr.Teng:101064585 (MoCEGS)(2023.10)







2023년 8월 7일 (월) 오전 12:35, Environmental Pollution 님이 작성:

Manuscript Number: ENVPOL-D-23-01653R2  

Smart Solutions for Clean Air: An AI-Guided Approach to Sustainable Industrial Pollution Control in Coal-Fired Power Plant  

Dear Professor Yoo,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Environmental Pollution. 

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication.   

My comments, and any reviewer comments, are below.     
Your accepted manuscript will now be transferred to our production department. We will create a proof which you will be asked to check, and you will also be asked to complete a number of online forms required for publication. If we need additional information from you during the production process, we will contact you directly.

We appreciate you submitting your manuscript to Environmental Pollution and hope you will consider us again for future submissions.

We encourage authors of original research papers to share the research objects – including raw data, methods, protocols, software, hardware and other outputs – associated with their paper. More information on how our open access Research Elements journals can help you do this is available at<wbr>authors/tools-and-resources/<wbr>research-elements-journals?<wbr>dgcid=ec_em_research_elements_<wbr>email.

Kind regards,   
Pavlos Kassomenos   

Environmental Pollution

Editor and Reviewer comments:

이전글 [Abdul 박사과정,J.Water.Proc.Eng/JCR6%] 하수처리장 COD/TN 이상진단 및 복원 방법 - XAI
다음글 대학생전공심화학부연구생 연구과제 (반도체 특수가스 폭발DB, 배가스-수소전환 CCU TRL평가, MOF수소저장 AI 스크리닝)