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[축: 허성구 통합, 국비장학 선정] 2023 혁신성장 글로벌인재양성 사업 국비장학생 (미국 USC대학 방문연구)
  • 관리자
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  • 288
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  • 2023-04-14


연구실 허성구통합과정이 아래와 같이 2023 혁신성장 글로벌인재양성 사업 국비장학생으로 선정되었습니다.

미국 USC (University of Southern California) 방문 연구 학생으로 선발되어 6개월동안 Energy AI 연구(Hydrogen network design model and operation & Battery status monitoring) 주제로 공동 연구 예정입니다. 국비장학생은 모든 비용 (체제비, 생활비, 보험, 비행기표등등) 지원되는 제일 좋은 국비장학으로 방문연구 수행합니다. 다들 좋은 연구 performance와  업적, 그 결과물을 보여주어서 지도교수로서 감사하고.

Subject: Sponsorship of SungKu Heo, Kyung Hee University


I write to thank you for offering SungKu Heo to do research in your lab., with full financial support of our program funded by the Korean government. I am responsible for operating and managing the program.

For 8 years we have sponsored many postdocs from Yonsei and Seoul National Universities who had visited and stayed for research at several prestigious universities, some of whom have been appointed as faculty at Korean academic institutions. 

would like to maintain this kind of relationship with you at USC afterwards.



I understand  that Mr. Heo will stay at USC for 6 months and his start date is expected to be approximately June or July this year as the process takes approximately 1.5 months if we start the visa process now.


In the meantime, if you advise him of pre-study or have an on-line meeting at your convenience, it would be greatly helpful. 

Thank you again for giving SungKu Heo the prestigious opportunity, 

이전글 [Dr.임준요 박사, Science of Total Env./JCR10%] 폐 플라스틱별 지속가능관리 로드맵-국가정책 (Rethinking of plastic waste management: A multi-nation scale)
다음글 [Mohammad 학생​,Energy/JCR5%] 태양열 막기반 전력/담수 Multigeneration system 기술경제성 평가와 환경성 평가 (TEA/LCA-Emergy Analysis)