[남기전 박사과정: SSCI저널논문] Sustainability(IoT special) | ||
남기전 박사과정 학생 논문이 SSCI저널인 Sustainability journal에 게재 승인되었습니다. 축하합니다.
- Journal : Sustainability (SSCI/SCIE journal) - A special issue of Internet of Things of Water (water digitalization) : IoT I'm happy to inform you that KiJeon's paper has been accepted in sustainability journal (SSCI/SCIE) as a special issue of Internet of Things of Water
-Title: An efficient burst detection and isolation monitoring system for water distribution networks using multivariate statistical techniques
-Authors: KiJeon Nam+, Pouya Ifaei+, Sungku Heo, Gahee Rhee, Seungchul Lee*, and ChangKyoo Yoo* -Journal : Sustainability (SSCI/SCIE journal)
사사: 연구재단 전략과제/기후변화특성화대학원/국토교통부(철도기술연구원) Congratulation for KJ's paper.
이전글 | Predictive Maintenance(PM)-Condition indicators to | |
다음글 | [축:Ifaei박사, 해외우수연구자과제 선정] 인공지능기반 수소생산과 스마트그리드 |