[Dr. Jouan Rashidi: Postdoc] Tech. Univ. of Gratz | ||
Hi all,
Good afternoon.
As you might know, Dr. Jouan Rashidi who graduated from our lab. on Feb. 2019 got a job offer from Technical Univ. of Gratz (Austria, Europe) last week.
연구실 2월 졸업한 Dr. Jouan Rashidi 박사가 6월부터 오스트리아 Technical Univ. of Gratz (오스트리아 카이스트)에 박사후 연구원으로 근무하게되었습니다. 축하합니다.
Job position: Post-doc researcher in LEC (Large Engines Competence Center), Technical Univ. of Gratz, tugraz, Austria Area: Flexible energy systems (ICE - power-to-X ? CCU ? energy storage ? …… ) Starting-tasks of the job : tasks within the HyMethShip project, work on the proposals to upcoming calls, support to running LEC projects
We can export another postdoc to Europe from emsel (Dr. Hwangbo at Denmark Technical Univ and Dr. Rashidi at TUGRAZ). We can keep two colleague at another institute, where you can apply a postdoc postion after your graduation.
Please show your congratulation to Dr. Rahidi.
이전글 | [Paulina통합, Ecolog. Model]기후변화-생태정보 국가-해안특화 생태모델링 | |
다음글 | [축:유창규교수] 한국화학공학회 2019년도 ‘영문지 발전상’ 수상자 선정 |