[축: 남기전학생,RSER논문,JCR2%,IF10.5] 딥러닝모델 신재생에너지 정책 | ||
Hi all,
I'm happy to inform you that KiJeon's paper has been accepted in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, JCR TOP 2% journal).
Please show your congratulation to KJ and Dr. SoonHo.
RSER is top journal with IF 10.5, which is the highest IF at J-EMSEL till date.
RSER: SCI, JCR TOP 2% journal
Article title: A deep learning-based forecasting model for renewable energy scenarios to guide sustainable energy policy: A case study of Korea
연구주제 : 딥러닝 예측모델기반 제주도 신재생에너지 시나리오기반 신재생에너지 정책 가이드 연구
환경시스템 분야 저널이 대체로 IF가 높지 않는데 연구실 연구 분야에서 IF가장 높은 저널중 하나
연구실에서 지금까지 나온 저널중 제일 IF가 높은 저널에 논문 게재승인 축하합니다.
Ms. Ref. No.: RSER-D-19-01300R1 Title: A deep learning-based forecasting model for renewable energy scenarios to guide sustainable energy policy: A case study of Korea Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews I am pleased to inform you that your article has been accepted for publication in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER). Below are any outstanding comments from the Editor and reviewer(s). These may require your attention. You will also be receiving a number of communications from us shortly regarding the publication process. 1. KiJeon Nam†, Soonho Hwanbo†, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, A deep learning-based forecasting model for renewable energy scenarios to guide sustainable energy policy: A case study of Korea, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN: 1364-0321, SCI, IF=10.5, Top 1 journal-green&sustainable science & technology), 122(4), 109725(pp.1-18), (2020.04) (Ack:2017R1E1A1A03070713) |
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