[황보박사:JCR10%:JCLP] Air pollution pinch고려 W2E네트웍 설계 | ||
Hi all,
I'm happy to inform you that Dr. Soonho Hwangbo (a former postdoc at emsel) paper has been accepted in Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, JCR TOP10% journal). He has been working at Denmark Technical University(DTU)since October, 2018 and will visit at emsel this Thursday for an invited seminar @ lab seminar.
A Collaboration work between EMSEL and DTU, where other works are expected in the future such as long-term international project, postdoc recommendation, student exchange at emsel from DTU and conference workshop (IWA WATER-AI workshop, October 2020, Denmark) and so on.
Congratulation Dr. Soonho Hwangbo for your paper acceptance in JCLP.
Article title: Development of an integrated network for waste-to-energy and central utility systems considering air pollutant emissions pinch analysis Journal title: Journal of Cleaner Production Corresponding author: Professor ChangKyoo Yoo First author: Dr. Soonho Hwangbo
연구실에서 1년 6개월동안 박사후연구원으로 있었던 Denmark Technical University(DTU) 황보순호박사 논문이 Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, JCR TOP10% journal)게재 승인되었습니다.
이전글 | [Ifaei박사,J.Cleaner P. JCR10%] 기후변화적응 논문(JCLP) | |
다음글 | [축: 남기전학생,RSER논문,JCR2%,IF10.5] 딥러닝모델 신재생에너지 정책 |