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[Abdul학생, 첫논문, Safety&Environment] SCI(TOP20%)
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  • 491
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  • 2019-11-19

Hi all
I'm happy to inform you that Abdul's 1st paper has been accepted in Process Safety and Environmental Protection (SCI, TOP20% journal).

Title: Process Assessment of a Full-scale Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Reliability, Resilience, and Econo-Socio-Environmental Analyses (R2ESE)
Journal: Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Congratulation Abdul for your 1st paper in SCI, TOP20% journal.

Best regards,
이전글 [Prof. Hongbin Liu, SCI게재] 미세먼지 예측모델
다음글 [HAI학생, 첫논문, Energy (TOP5%)]하수처리장 신재에너지 수요-공급 다목적