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[남기전학생,JCR3%,IF=9,JHM]AI-CC연계 다매체모델 PAH거동및위해성평가
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  • 2021-01-05

Hi all,


I'm happy to inform you that Former postdoc, KiJeon's paper (w. Dr. Qian Li) has been accepted in Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI, JCR TOP 3%, IF=9).

Congratulate KJ/Li for your paper in this great journal indeed.


EMSEL 연구실 남기전 박사과정 학생 논문이 환경 분야에서 제일 좋은 저널 하나인 Journal of Hazardous Materials 게재 승인되었습니다.


Journal of Hazardous Material: SCI, JCR TOP 3%, IF=9.02


이제 연구실이 확실히 자리를 잡아서 JCR TOP 3%와 5% 제일 좋은 저널에 논문이 계속 출판되고 있고 박사학위 자리 잡을때 이번 저널 논문이 역할을 합니다.



연구주제 : Deep learning 기후변화시나리오 연계 다매체모델기반 유기화학물 거동 해석 PAH 위해성 평가



KiJeon Nam, Qian Li, SungKu Heo, Shahzeb Tariq, Jorge Loy-Benitez, TaeYong Woo, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Inter-regional multimedia fate analysis of PAHs and potential risk assessment by integrating deep learning and climate change scenarios, Journal of Hazardous Materials (ISSN:0304-3894, SCIE, TOP 3% journal: Environmental Science) (2021.06) Elsevier, 411(6), pp.125149  (Ack: 2017R1E1A1A03070713 & Graduate School specialized in Climate Change).


Unlabelled figure

Fig. 2. Graphical description of the prediction model combined with data decomposition…

Fig. 1. Graphical description of fate analysis, potential risk assessment, and policy-…


이전글 [박준규박사/SEC김정인님,J Env. Chem. Eng] 아스펜모Coke 배가스
다음글 GNN (Optimization, Materials design, schduling)