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[Jorge-Shahzeb통합, B&E, JCR5%] Flexible AI soft-sensor model (AI-소프트센서 기술)
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  • 2021-10-31

Hi al,

I am pleased to inform you that Jorge and Shahzeb's paper (Ph.D students) has been published for publication in Building and Environment (SCI, JCR TOP 5%) (w/ Hai Tra, Usman, 남기전 박사과정). Great journal indeed.


Topic: Flexible AI soft-sensor modeling of subway PM2.5 using Neural circuit policies​(NCP) algorithm

[278] Jorge Loy-Benitez+, Shahzeb Tariq+, Hai Tra Nguyen, Usman, KiJeon Nam , ChangKyoo Yoo, Neural circuit policies-based temporal flexible soft-sensor modeling of subway PM2.5 with applications on indoor air quality management, Building and Environment (ISSN: 0360-1323, SCIE, Top 5% journal: Civil Eng.), Elsevier, 207(1), pp.108537 (2022.1) (Ack (2): NRF: NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838 & Subway Fine Dust: 20QPPW-B152306-02) 



-박사 과정 JorgeShahzeb 논문이 JCR TOP 5%로 매우 좋은 저널인 Building and Environment (SCI, Top 5% journal: Civil Eng.)에 게재되었습니다. 축하합니다.

-연구주제 : AI Neural circuit policies 기반 Flexible soft-sensor modeling of subway PM2.5 (AI-소프트센서 기술)

-과제명 : 빅데이터 기반 조기 대응 초미세먼지 예측기술 개발



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보낸사람: Building and Environment

Date: 20211031() 오전 12:18

Subject: Your Submission - [EMID:376773849b822e83]

To: ChangKyoo Yoo

Ms. Ref. No.: BAE-D-21-02558R2

Title: Neural circuit policies-based temporal flexible soft-sensor modeling of subway PM2.5 with applications on indoor air quality management

Building and Environment


Dear ChangKyoo Yoo,

I am pleased to inform you that your above paper has been accepted for publication in Building and Environment. Now that the review process is complete, the publication process begins. Elsevier will contact you soon for any questions during the publication process. After you receive an acknowledgement e-mail from Elsevier's OASIS, you can further track your paper from

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