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[임준요 박사과정,Trends in Biotechnology, IF=19.5/JCR1.8%] Blockchain 기술: frontier in biotechnology and bioenergy
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  • 2021-09-23

Hi all,

I'm happy to inform you that EMSEL Ph.D students, JuinYau's paper has been accepted in Trends in Biotechnology (IF = 19.5, JCR 1.88%) about a kind of short review (equal 1st author with Adrian Loy at Monash univ.  and Prof. Yoo is co-corresponding author)​: 

- Paper title : Blockchain as a frontier in biotechnology and bioenergy application


This journal (Trends in Biotechnology, IF = 19.5, JCR TOP 1.88%:BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY) is Cell Press and the highest IF journal among EMSEL-published journals till date.

Congratulations JY for your great paper indeed!!


We can try other high impacting journals with our research paper and also review papers. 

Lets' go the next steps for Nature sustainability (IF>20, proposal- EMSEL), Energy & Environment Science(IF>39), Nature Energy (IF > 60) and so on.

Adrian Loy Chun Minh+,*JuinYau Lim+, Bing Shen How, ChangKyoo Yoo*Blockchain as a frontier in biotechnology and bioenergy application, Trends in Biotechnology (ISSN:1879-3096, SCI, IF = 19.5, JCR TOP 1.88 %), Cell Press, 40(3), pp.283-287  (2022.3) (Ack:NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838 & Climate Change Graduate School)


박사과 임준요 학생 논문이 호주 모나쉬대학 Adrian 공동 연구로  Cell 자매지인 Trends in Biotechnology (IF = 19.5, JCR 5%) 게재승인되었습니다

내년 IF 20+ 예상되고 현재까지 연구실에서 출판한 저널중 가장 높은 IF 저널.

새로운 연구분야 짧은 리뷰 형태로  논문으로도 좋은 저널에   있는 길을 알게 되어서 좋은 시작으로 생각됩니다

연구실에서 하는 새로운 주제를 가지고 Nature sustainability proposal 제출했고  아이디어 준비 중인 연구로 또한 매우 높은 저널이 Energy & Environment Science(IF>39), Nature Energy (IF>60) try 해보면 좋을  합니다


CNS(Cell, Nature, Scienc) 저널  자매지에도 도전을 하루 있는 시작이 되었고    해보니  도전하면   .. 

Bibliographic Details

이전글 [PRES21 학회, 논문​ 6편 발표] 구두발표@Brno, Czech Republic​ (Online presentation)
다음글 [NetZero Tracking 인프라 Platform]제조업체 Carbon/GHG/NOx 발생량 계산 & 전주기 거동 NetZero Tracking INFRA 플랫폼 ENV-IT 방안(Scope1/2/3별 tracking)