[SDEWES2021 학회, 논문 4편 발표] 구두발표@Dubrovnik, 크로아티아 (Online presentation)
[EMSEL 연구실에서 4명의 박사과정 학생및 포닥이 2021년 10월 20~24일 크로아티아 Dubrovnik에서 열리는 16th Conference
on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems
(SDEWES2021)학회 구두 발표 (4편)합니다. 학회 발표후 JCR Top5%저널에 Special Issue 기대하면서
[1] U. Safder,
J.Y. Lim, P. Ifaei, T. Woo, C. Yoo*, A dynamic
multi-objective optimization framework for simultaneous design and control of a
cogeneration system under uncertain load disturbance conditions. 16th
Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems
(SDEWES2021). Oral presentation(Online), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2021.10.10-15). (Acknow:
NRF2021, & CC graduate school).
[2] S. Heo, K. Nam, T. Woo, P.
Ifaei, J. Loy-Benitez, C. Yoo*, A non-Gaussian multivariate
statistical monitoring of spatio-temporal wind speed frequency towards
renewable energy quality improvement in South Korea, 16th Conference on
Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2021),
pp., Oral presentation(Online), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2021.10.10-15). (Acknow: NRF2021
& CC graduate school)
[3] P. Ifaei, A. S. Tayerani
Charmchi, U. Safder, M. Moosazadeh, S. Heo, C.
Yoo*, Evaluation of
water and energy systems by novel operational coefficients considering the
nexus between exergy and water, 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of
Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES2021), pp., Oral presentation(Online), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2021.10.10-15), (Acknow:
KRF2019 & NRF2017 & CC graduate school & prospective green
[4] S. Tariq, U. Safder, S. Heo, C. Yoo*, A
multi-objective optimization approach to design an integrated renewable energy
system including exergorisk and reliability characteristics for sustainable
operation, 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and
Environment Systems (SDEWES2021), pp., Oral presentation, Dubrovnik(Online), Croatia (2021.10.10-15). (Acknow: NRF2021, & CC graduate school)