[허성구 통합, Energy, JCR5%] 산업단지 탈탄소 전략 (Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry) | ||
Hi all,
I’m happy to inform you that SungKu paper (w/ Prof. Hwangbo, a former EMSEL postdoc) has been published at Energy (SCI, Top 5% journal – THERMODYNAMICS). Congratulation for this outstanding journal publication. Please show your congratulations to SungKu. - Title : Development of deterministic-stochastic model to integrate variable renewable energy-driven electricity and large-scale utility networks: Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry - Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry 273. Soonho Hwangbo†, SungKu Heo† and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Development of deterministic-stochastic model to integrate variable renewable energy-driven electricity and large-scale utility networks: Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry, Energy (ISSN: 0360-5442, SCI, Top 5% journal – THERMODYNAMICS), Elsevier, 238(1), pp.122006 (2022.1) (NRF-2019H1D8A2105994 (경상대) & NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838 & Gradte School specialized in Climate Change)<o:p></o:p> 허성구 통합과정 논문이 Energy 저널 (SCI, Top 5% journal – THERMODYNAMICS)에 게재되었습니다 (공동 제일저자 : 황보순호교수, 경상대 화학공학과) 에너지/화공/환경시스템 분야에서 THERMODYNAMICS 분야 3위 저널 (JCR TOP 5%, IF >7)로 매우 좋은 저널임. 본 저널이 추후 해외 포닥이나 취업때 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상합니다. 올해 2~3편 더 JCR 5% 저널에 쓰기를 바라며.. 축하합니다.
[산업단지 탈탄소 전략] 석유화학단지에서 신재생에너지기반 변동 전력 생산량 통합모델을 이용한 산업단지 유틸리티 네트웍 설계 최적화 Development of deterministic-stochastic model to integrate variable renewable energy-driven electricity and large-scale utility networks: Towards decarbonization petrochemical industry 저널 : Energy 저널 (SCI, Top 5% journal – THERMODYNAMICS)
이전글 | [Hydrogen Energy 논문 출판] 수소 재이용 네트웍 설계 (H2 재이용, SMR-PSA 재생기반 수소 공정통합: P-graph ) | |
다음글 | [임준요 학생,Proc. Safety & Env. Protection,IF=6.2]산업단지 Green수소생산 통합설계: P-graph& Game theory |