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Graduate Students Opening [대학원생 모집]
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  • 2014-08-27

경희대학교 환경관리시스템연구실(EMSEL)에서는 환경시스템공학 분야 연구를 같이 수행할 대학원생을 모집합니다(첨부화일:연구실 소개자료)

Greeting from EMSEL, Kyung Hee University, Korea.


EMSEL lab(Prof. Yoo lab) is looking for students who are interested in taking MSc, integrated MSc/Ph.D and Ph.D. course and some postdocs in the fields of 

Environmental systems: modeling, watet/wastewater treatment control and optimization, indoor air quality control and management, MBR modeling and control with chemical cleaning control, environmental informatics, big data analysis

process systems engineering: modeling, control, optimization

process integration and optimization: reuse network, EIP), GIS application, GHG inventory management, 

Micropollutants management: molecular modeling, modeling and management of micropollutants fate/transport/reaction/removal, multimedia modeling (air, water, soil, groundwater), integrated environment management of multimedia environment pollutants
Water-Energy nexus system model:
water desalination and power plant design with various renewable energy sources, energy systems modeling, ecological modeling, 

Health/Safety/Environment (HSE): process safety management(PSM)/off-site chemicals risk assessment/risk management program(RMP), computational QSAR.


Please feel free to contact to Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo (ckyoo@khu.ac.kr, or +82-31-201-3824) if you like to know more about. 

ChangKyoo Yoo

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