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Recruiting for MSc/Ph.D students and postdocs
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  • 2011-07-10

Greeting from EMSEL, Kyung Hee University, Korea.


EMSEL lab(Prof. Yoo lab) is looking for students who are interested in taking MSc and Ph.D. course and some postdocs in the field of environmental/chemical/energy systems engineering and management- modeling, control, optimization and GIS application/climate change/GHG inventory/petrochemical/oil industries/molecular modeling/indoor air quality and any systems engeering).


Please feel free to contact to Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo (ckyoo@khu.ac.kr, or +82-31-201-3824) if you like to know more about.

ChangKyoo Yoo

이전글 환경관련기사1급과 기술사관련 내용 정리2 (대기/수질/폐기물/안전/소음진동)
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