(2023.06~11) USC Visiting Research | |
- 허성구, SungKu Heo - June ~ Nov., 2023 - University of Southern California (USC), LA, USA - Fund: 첨단 제조 신산업 글로벌 혁신성장 프로그램, 산업통상자원부 (MOTIE, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy)
- Topic: GIS-informed mathematical model development for large-scale hydrogen supply chain network in California
Group photo (with Prof. Jay H. Lee's Group)
Lab retreat (Malibu~)
Lab outing (Hollywood ball, 임윤찬/LA Phil 공연)
USC-KRRI joint seminar
TWCCC 2023 (Texas-Winsconsin-California Control Consortium) Title GIS-informed mathematical model development for hydrogen suply chain in California
Football derby USC vs UCLA (Fight on ! V)
이전글 | [KRRI Project] End-to-end autonomous system(end-to-end 자율 운전 시스템 지하역사 실증 실험) |
다음글 | A plaque for Ph.D (Dr. Saman), Aug. 2023 |