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From microalgae to bioenergy: Identifying optimally integrated biorefinery pathways and harvest scheduling under uncertainties in predicted climate
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  • 2023-02-02

Juin Yau Lim+, Sin Yong Teng+, Bing Shen How, Ki Jeon Nam, SungKu Heo, Vítezslav Mášá*, Petr Stehlik, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, From microalgae to bioenergy: Identifying optimally integrated biorefinery pathways and harvest scheduling under uncertainties in predicted climate, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN:1364-0321, SCIE, Top 1 journal: Green & Sustainable Science & Technology), Elsevier, 168(10), pp.112865 (2022.10) (Ack (4개): (NRF2021R1A2C2007838, Graduate School specialized in Climate Change,Czech Republic RDE grant number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008413, Malaysian Ministry FRGS/1/2020/TK0/SWIN/03/3) 

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