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[허성구 통합, RSER논문, JCR3%, IF15.9, Top 1-Green Science] Generative AI기반 산업단지 탈탄소 기술 (TEA/LCA)
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  • 361
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  • 2023-10-18


I am pleased to inform you that  EMSEL Ph.D student SungKu Heo and Dr. Pouya Ifaei's paper has been accepted in the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN: 1364-0321, SCI, Top 1 journal-green&sustainable science & technology, JCR TOP3%, IF 15.9).

Congratulations for the paper acceptance in this great journal indeed. One of the best journal from our lab.

Please give your big hands to SungKu Heo 

Towards mega-scale decarbonized industrial park (Mega-DIP): Generative AI-driven techno-economic and environmental assessment of renewable and sustainable energy utilization in petrochemical industry

Topic: Decarbonization; Liquid air energy storage; Variable renewable energy; Petrochemical industry; Stochastic scenario; Generative AI; Explainable AI (XAI) 


연구실 논문 소식입니다. 

EMSEL 연구실 허성구 통합 과정 학생 논문이Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN: 1364-0321, SCI, Top 1 journal-green&sustainable science & technology, JCR TOP3%, IF 15.9)​ 저널에 게재되었습니다 (연구실 eX멤버였던 경상대 황보순호 교수님 연구팀과 전남대 석유화학소재공학과 변재원 교수님 공동연구)

연구주제는 Generative AI기반 석유화학 산업단지 신재생에너지 사용의 기술경제성평가 및 환경성 평가 (산업단지 탈탄소 기술)   

- ​NetZero Carbon​ for mega-scale decarbonized industrial park (Mega-DIP), 산업단지 탈탄소, 넷제로 탄소, Generative AI​, 신재생에너지, 기술경제성평가 및 환경성 평가(TEA/LCA)


 SungKu Heo+, Jaewon Byun+, Pouya Ifaei, Jaerak Ko, Byeongmin Ha, Soonho Hwangbo**, and ChangKyoo Yoo*, Towards mega-scale decarbonized industrial park (Mega-DIP): Generative AI-driven techno-economic and environmental assessment of renewable and sustainable energy utilization in petrochemical industry, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ISSN: 1364-0321, SCI, Top 1 journal-green&sustainable science & technology, JCR TOP3%, IF 15.9), Elsevier, 189(01), pp.-113933 (2024.01) (Ack 3: NRF-2021R1A2C2007838 and NRF-2021R1F1A1059919, (NRF-2020M1A2A2080858)






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