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[임준요 학생]LCA Workshop(II):전과정평가 for 탄소중립 (Hands-on, July 30)
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  • 2022-07-27

연구실 자체 교육: Life cycle assessment: Hands-on experience w/ SimaPro

국내 대부분 제조업체에서 요즘 중요 용어가 전주기 탄소중립 인데 scope 1/2/3 별 탄소발생량 계산시 전과정 평가 LCA​ 툴이 유용하게 사용됩니다. 

임준요 박사과정 학생이 연구실 자체 교육으로 LCA hands-on workshop (II)을 진행합니다. 

이번 워크샵은 생산공정에서 LCA 예제, 폐기물처리 LCA예제후 최종 LCI & ICIA분석 순으로 어떻게 계산하는지 스텝별로 hands-on으로 진행합니다...

LCA (II)Hands-on experience w/ SimaPro
- S/W기반으로 LCA 사례 구현 위주 Hands-on workshop : SimaPro
- 실제 각 제품별/공정별 입출력, 재료 supply chain, 폐기후 waste chain 까지 LCA 계산

-Time & Date: 0900 - 1100, 30th July 2022 (Saturday)


Hi all, 


As mentioned, JuinYau will have a short introductory workshop on LCA (starting this and then 2-3 hands-on workshops are scheduled at the end of July​ and August).

LCA Workshop (II) : Hands-on experience w/ SimaPro

-Content: Step-by-step ​hands-on workshop of LCA calculation​ using S/W(w/ SimaPro​)

-Instructor: JuinYau Lim, Ph.D Candidate (임준요 박사과정, EMSEL, Kyung Hee University) 

-Organizer: Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo (Kyung Hee University)

qTime & Date: 0900 - 1100, 30th July 2022 (Saturday)


-Location: Room #359 (GIS), Eng. Building, Global Campus, Kyung Hee University

1. Theoretical summary of LCA

     - Goal & Scope; Inventory analysis
     - Impact analysis; Interpretation

2. Introductory demonstration
     - Production process
     - Waste treatment: Landfill & open fire

3. Complete 
     - Product life cycle
     - Analyzing results: LCI & LCIA 

 Note that LCA can be useful for your future paper decoration for high impacting journal, in viewpoint of GHG, CCU, Net Zero, Energy ...

(199) GREET Tutorial #1: Introduction to GREET and LCA - YouTube 

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