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Optimal Planning of Inter-Plant Hydrogen Integration (IPHI) in Eco-Industrial Park with P-graph and Game Theory Analyses
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  • 2022-07-09

Amelie Peter Affery, Jian Xiang Tan, Ian Yan Beng Ong, Juin Yau Lim, ChangKyoo Yoo, Bing Shen How, Gabriel H.T. Ling, Dominic C. Y. Foo *, Optimal Planning of Inter-Plant Hydrogen Integration (IPHI) in Eco-Industrial Park with P-graph and Game Theory Analyses, Process Safety and Environmental Protection (ISSN: 0957-5820, SCIE),, 155(11), pp.197-218  (2021.11) (Ack 3: NRF중견2021R1A2C2007838 & Climate Change Graduate School  & FRGS/1/2020/TK0/SWIN/03/3)

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