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산업단지 VOC 저감 최적가용기법 (BAT) 선정을 위한 다매체 거동모델 기반 인체위해성·환경성·경제성 평가 (Human Health Risk, Environmental and Economic Assessment Based on Multimedia Fugacity Model for Determination of Best Available Technology (BAT) for VOC Reduction in Industrial Complex)
  • 관리자
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  • 256
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  • 2022-07-08

김예린+, 이가희+, 허성구+, 남기전, Qian Li, 유창규*, 산업단지 VOC 저감 최적가용기법 (BAT) 선정을 위한 다매체 거동모델 기반 인체위해성·환경성·경제성 평가 (Human Health Risk, Environmental and Economic Assessment Based on Multimedia Fugacity Model for Determination of Best Available Technology (BAT) for VOC Reduction in Industrial Complex), Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK) (ISSN: 0304-128X, 학진등재/Scopus), 58(3), 325-345 (Ack: 2017R1E1A1A03070713) (2020.8)​

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