[IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation, IF11.6] Special Issue on Recent Trends in Evolutionary Constrained Optimization
CALL FOR PAPERSIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (IF > 11)Special Issue on Recent Trends in Evolutionary Constrained OptimizationThis CFP is also available here.Aims and ScopeEvolutionary algorithms (EAs), among other metaheuristics, are popular approaches for solving complex real-world problems due to their applicability in situations where the objective function(s) and/or constraints are not known as explicit functions of the decision variables. This happens when computer models calculate the objective function and/or check the constraints every time a candidate solution is evaluated. Constrained optimization problems are common in several domains, in science and engineering. However, handling these constraints is generally challenging for EAs and metaheuristics, as the operators for generating new candidate solutions are usually blind to the constraints. Candidate solutions that do not violate any constraint are not necessarily generated from feasible ones. Repair techniques, special operators, special decoders, and penalty strategies are examples of constraint-handling techniques. Theoretical and methodological advancements to handle constraints efficiently are important, especially when the problem involves multi- or many-objectives, dynamic objective functions and/or dynamic constraints, multitask optimization, and bi- or multi-level programming. Also, one can observe recent trends exploring the potential of large-language models (LLMs) to assist in the optimization process. In this sense, LLMs may formulate benchmarking problems, extract information from constraints to be used by EAs, produce feasible candidate solutions for a given problem, design repair operators, and adapt penalty functions during the search. Finally, application-oriented papers focusing on important challenges related to constraint-handling techniques for a class of problems in real-world situations are welcome.TopicsThis special issue seeks to promote the discussion and contributions of novel works regarding constraint-handling techniques in the context of EAs and other consolidated nature-inspired algorithms. The topics include, but are not limited to:Novel constraint-handling techniques for EAsConstrained multi- and many-objective optimizationConstrained multi- and many-objective dynamic optimizationLarge-scale constrained optimizationMulti-task constrained optimizationConstraint handling in multi-level equilibrium and optimizationNovel/adapted search algorithms for constrained optimizationMemetic algorithms in constrained search spacesParameter setting (tuning and control) in constrained optimizationMixed (discrete-continuous) constrained optimizationTheoretical analysis and complexity of algorithms in constrained optimizationConvergence analysis in constrained optimizationPerformance evaluation of algorithms in constrained optimizationExpensive constrained optimizationDesign of scalable and challenging test functions for constrained optimizationMachine Learning in constrained optimizationTransfer learning in constrained optimizationBound-constraint handling in multiobjective, many-objective, bilevel, multi-tasking-constrained optimizationLarge-language models in the context of constrained optimizationReal-World applicationsSubmissionsManuscripts should be prepared according to the information at<wbr>publications/t-evolutionary-<wbr>computation/ieee-tevc. Submission of a manuscript implies that it is the authors' original unpublished work and is not being submitted for possible publication elsewhere. Please follow the submission instructions, select the article type as "RTECO", and add "Special Issue on Recent Trends in Evolutionary Constrained Optimization" to the comments for the Editor-in-Chief.Important DatesSubmission Deadline: May 31st, 2025Revision Deadline: August 31st, 2025Final Decision: November 30th, 2025Publication Date: March 31st, 2026
[축하][졸업생,허성구 박사]강원대 환경공학과 조교수 임용 예정 (2025년 3월 1일자 임용)
[축하] [졸업생, 허성구 박사] 강원대 환경공학과 조교수 임용 확정 (2025년 3월 1일자 임용) 연구실 졸업생 허성구 박사(2024년 2월 졸업, 한국인 4호 박사)가 2025년 3월부터 강원대 환경공학과 "조교수"로 임용되었습니다(전공:환경모델링/환경AI) 경희대학교 환경학 및 환경공학과 학부 12학번으로 우리 학과에서 학사-석박사통합과정으로 올 2월에 박사 학위를 받고 영국 임페리얼 공대 Research Associate 근무후 국립대학인 강원대 환경공학과 교수 임용 좋은 소식 공지합니다.  --------------------------------------------- Name: 허성구 박사  email:, ​ 학력-학사 : 경희대학교 환경학및환경공학과, 2012.03 ~ 2018.02 (학부 12학번)  -박사 : 경희대학교 환경응용과학과, 석박사통합과정, 2024.02 (경희대학교 대학원 공학계열 최우수 박사학위논문상 수상) 경력- 방문 연구:미국, 서던 캘리포니아 대학교 (6개월, 2023.06 ~ 2023.11)  - 영국 임페리얼 공대/Research Associate (2024. 7.22 ~ 2025.02)Position: -강원대학교 환경공학과, 조교수 (In-coming Assistant Professor)- 2025.3(예정)~  ------------------------------------------------------------------ 최근 2년간 유창규 교수 연구실 박사졸업생들은 박사학위 졸업생들이 100% 국내 및 해외 주요 연구소 및 학교에 임용되어 환경관리시스템공학 연구실 우수한 Ph.D. career 및 output을 보여주고 있습니다.​- 25년 3월 허성구 박사 강원대 임용(강원대,24년 졸업)- 24년 3월 남기전 교수 부경대 임용 (22년 졸업)- 24년 임준요 박사 미국 Argonne National Lab 국립연구소​ 임용 (, 23년 졸업)- 24년 Hai Tra 박사 싱가포르 난양공대 Energy Research Institute​ 임용 (24년 졸업)- 23년 Usman Safder 박사 아일랜드 Energy Research Institute​ 임용(22년 졸업) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning and good news. Dr. Sungku Heo, a graduate from our lab (graduated in February 2024), has been appointed as an "Assistant Professor" in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Kangwon National University starting from March 2025 (specialization: Environmental Modeling/Environmental AI). We are pleased to announce that Dr. Heo, who graduated from Kyung Hee University with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering in 2012, completed his integrated master's and doctoral program in February this year, and worked as a Research Associate at Imperial College London, has been appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Kangwon National University.
[Special issue invitation, ES&T] Call For Papers: Advancing the Circular Economy
 ​Call For Papers: Advancing the Circular EconomyMargaret Mills,Carlos ToroandJulio SerranoNov 5, 20244 min readThis Special Issue will focus on advancements in science and technology to advance circular economies, transitioning our society toward the integration of renewable carbon and the recovery and reuse of critical materials, residuals, and waste. Submit your manuscript by April 28, 2025.Societies have prospered using a linear “take-make-use-dispose” approach, which starts with the extraction of natural resources to make products, the use of those products by society, and ultimately the disposal of those products and their residues. This unsustainable approach has exploited natural resources at a rate that has caused excessive pollution, the loss of biodiversity, and a global climate crisis, and has led to industrial reliance on rare elements with geopolitical implications. While this linear approach has been effective at serving the needs of technologically advanced communities, it is often prohibitively expensive in many underserved communities facing the most severe harms from climate change.This joint Special Issue across Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), Environment<wbr>al Science & Technology Letters (ES&T Letters), ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering and ACS Sustainable Resource Management will focus on advancements in science and technology to advance circular economies as we transition to the integration of renewable carbon and the recovery and reuse of critical materials, residuals, and waste.Topics include, but are not limited to:Articles that demonstrate the environmental implications of circularity (assumed vs. actual benefit of circularity)Next generation chemical processing/products and business models moving forwardDemonstration of specific circular economy advancements and their potential to help deliver on sustainable development goals (SDGs)Resource recovery from materials or waste streams (with meaningful societal implications)Production and upcycling (or recycling) of plastics and polymersCO2 capture and utilization for biofuels, bioproducts, or foodRecovery and/or reuse of Rare Earth elements and critical materialsSpatial or regional analyses of resource circularityLocality-specific solutions that have methodological or technological advances to enable translation to other locationsNovel product recoveryRecovery in extreme environments and/or under extreme constraintsResource recovery from complex, problematic wastes (e.g., e-waste, batteries)Overcoming high-entropy wastesDigital or AI technologies for circular economyTopics considered out of scope of this Special Issue include:CO2 capture (without utilization) or CO2 sequestrationLocality-specific solutions without generalizable insight or key methodological advancementsEntirely synthetic/model systemsBioethanol production (without major advancement)Nutrient recovery from wastewater (without major advancement)Incremental strain development (synthetic biology; without major advancement or significant demonstration of scale-up)Submit your manuscript to either ES&T, ES&T Letters, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, or ACS Sustainable Resource Management by April 28, 2025.Organizing EditorsProf. Jeremy Guest, Guest EditorUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United StatesProf. William Tarpeh, Topic Editor, ES&T LettersStanford University, United StatesProf. Matthew Eckelman, Associate Editor, ES&TNortheastern University, United StatesProf. Julie Zimmerman, Editor-in-Chief, ES&TYale University, United StatesProf. Peter Licence, Editor-in-Chief, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & EngineeringUniversity of Nottingham, United KingdomProf. Michael Tam, Deputy Editor, ACS Sustainable Resource ManagementUniversity of Waterloo, CanadaProf. Wei-Qiang Chen, Guest EditorChinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSubmission InformationWe welcome submissions for this Special Issue through April 28, 2025. For more information on submission requirements and individual journal scope, please visit the Author Guidelines page for ES&T, ES&T Letters, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering or ACS Sustainable Resource Management.All manuscript types available for each journal are acceptable for consideration in this Special Issue. Papers accepted for publication for this Special Issue will be available ASAP (as soon as publishable) online as soon as they are accepted and then publish in the next available issue of the chosen journal. After all submissions have been published, they will then be compiled online on a dedicated landing page to form the Special Issue. Manuscripts submitted for consideration will undergo the full rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals. 


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