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2021 Fall Semester [KHU graduate school-Admission Application]
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  • 2021-03-08

2021 Fall Semester [KHU graduate school-Admission Application] 

Admision of Ph.D/ Integrated MSc-Ph.D position (Fall semester, 2021) 

Application date : March-April(middle), 2021


- Open positions: Ph.D students or Combined MSc-Ph.D  (Not allowed for MSc student), Some postdocs

- Admisison for Fall semester (September, 2021) and necessary documents.

- Application dateMarch-April middle, 2021 (all documents need to be submitted)

*** Please contact Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo ( if you are interested***

[KHU graduate school-International students 

International Admissions Schedule for 2021 Fall semester


Dates and Deadlines



March-April. 2021 10:00 ~ 18:10(Fri.) 17:00

Apply on the website

Submission of Documents

Mar-April. 2021 (Mon.) 

  • Graduate School office(Each Campus)

    • - Accept application in person or via mail

    • ※ Seoul-Main building Room 312

    • ※ Global-Art Design college Room 107

  • Except Weekends and Holidays

Documents register check

 2021 (Mon) 10:00 ~ (Wed) 17:00

Admission Interview


  • Notify : graduate school website

    Nov. 2020(Thu.)

  • Prepare passport and id slip

Notification of Admission

 2021(Fri) 15:00 (scheduled)

Graduate School Website

Registration (Tuition Payment)

 2021.(Tue) 10:00 ~ 16.01(Tue) 16:00

Designated Domestic Bank in Korea


  1. Internet Application

    Internet Application


    • 140,000(KRW)/Tax 7,000(KRW)

  2. Presentation

    Submit the documents Application form and required documents

    • Submit the application form and required documents by the due date to the graduate school office of each campus

  3. Confirmation

    Confirm registration and arrival of documents

  4. Interview

    Admission Interview

  5. Notification

    Notification of admission

  6. Pay the tuition

    Pay the tuition

    • Use designated domestic bank in Korea

Guidelines for International Admissions for 2021 Fall semester

[2021 Fall Semester] Guideline for international admissions (Korean)

모집요강 다운로드

[2021 Fall Semester] Guideline for international admissions (English)

Guideline Download

[2021 Fall Semester] Attachment: Application Form, Study Plan, etc.

서류양식 다운로드

Greeting from EMSEL, Kyung Hee University, Korea.


*** Please contact Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo ( if you are interested***


EMSEL lab(Prof. Yoo lab) is looking for International students who are interested in taking Ph.D. students, Combined students of MSc and Ph.D course and some postdocs in the fields of

Environmental Systems Engineering: Environmental monitoring, control, and optimization with modeling tools, water/wastewater treatment control and optimization, indoor air quality control and management, MBR modeling and control, environmental plant design, environmental informatics, Big data analytics


Water-Energy-Climate Change Nexus system model: water desalination and power plant design with various renewable energy sources, water/wastewater system design and optimal management with GHG emission and integration with renewable energy sources for climate change


Energy system design: design for desalination plant, Power plant design, microscale smart grid system of energy management, smart water grid, water/wstewater system design with various renewable energy sources, heat/energy/water/exergy pinch analysis


Health/Safety/Environment (HSE): process safety management(PSM)/off-site chemicals risk assessment/risk management program(RMP), multimedia fate model, computational toxigology, QSAR for hazardous chemicals (REACH).


Micropollutants in multimedia environment: model and management: molecular modeling(cowork), modeling and management of micropollutants fate/transport/reaction/removal, multimedia modeling (air, water, soil, groundwater), integrated environment management of multimedia environment pollutants


Environment/Energy/Ecology Informatics (Big data analysis): Statistical data analysis, Big data analysis-Application, Machine learning, Deep learing algorithm-CNN/RNN/DBN (Semiconductor chip/LCD panel: Image analysis, Cowork), Fault detection and diagnosis, Contamination source data analysis,


  Air quality control and management: AI-based air pollution diagnosis, optimal control and energy optimization for IAQ, Systems development technologies for sustainable indoor air quality management, A comprehensive air quality index and monitoring of individual particulate matter inside PM10/PM2.5 using nano-QSAR.


Climate change (GHG model) and renewable energy system topics : Statistics and inventory calculation of green house gas(GHC), Development of optimal utility distribution and energy supply system, Development of energy reuse and energy optimization, GHG emission model, GHG reduction technologies and energy system modeling in wwtp


Molecular Dynamic Simulation (MDS): Theoretical and computational techniques used to model the behavior of molecules, Surface property and thermodynamics of inorganic ,biological and polymeric systems, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY : protein folding ,enzyme catalyst, protein stability materials design of materials, chemicals and polymers, Molecular recognition of proteins, DNA and membrane complexes - Structural characterization and identification of RO/MBR by MDS, Simulation algorithms and advanced topics for high through technology (prescreening)


Process systems engineering(PSE): modeling, control, optimization, plant design


  Process integration and optimization: reuse network of heat, energy, water, waste with exergy/emergy optimization, eco-industrial park(EIP)


  GIS applications : ecological model with GIS, Ecoinformatics, biodiversity model with ArcGIS


Please feel free to contact to Prof. ChangKyoo Yoo ( , +82-31-201-3824) if you like to know more about.


ChangKyoo Yoo, Ph. D. (Kyung Hee Fellow)
-Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering, College of Engineering,

Kyung Hee University-Global Campus, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, Republic of Korea
E-mail: or

Website :
google scholar:<WBR>citations?user=wKKFOOYAAAAJ
Tel: +82-31-201-3824;  FAX: +82-31-202-8854

이전글 [축: 허성구학생 KHYSS장학생 선정] 우수신진인력 장학 선정(박사과정동안)
다음글 [축:남기전 학생,Editor’s choice 선정] J.Mem. Sci (JCR3%)